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Author Topic: gms in charge of gods  (Read 400 times)


gms in charge of gods
« on: February 04, 2008, 04:01:44 am »
I was wondering which gms I should contact in regards to issues with aeridin and folian?

I was hoping for some gm interaction on a couple of issues and didnt think it good to just grab any gm for the interaction.



Re: gms in charge of gods
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2008, 10:55:10 am »
What manner of interaction?  Remember, the gods do not (barring extraordinary circumstances) interact with the world through any means other than their clerics.


Re: gms in charge of gods
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2008, 07:03:06 pm »
sorry, my question should have been more aiong, the lines of what gms are in charge of teh faiths of folian and aeridin so that i might arrange a chat with the clergy of said faiths.And possibly have some meaningful dialogue with them IC (the clergy that is...though a god might be interesting)


Re: gms in charge of gods
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2008, 07:26:54 pm »
Posting an IC letter or conversation in the deity's forum is one way of getting some interaction.  Indepth theologic discoveries and dissertations are generally the realm of CDQ's unless it spontanously happens on quest.  Certainly some GM's have more experience and comfort with certain deities over others


Re: gms in charge of gods
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2008, 07:35:55 pm »
EdTheKet is pretty much the end authority on such things, but his availability is rather sparse, and any GM can (and has) represented a high-ranking member of the clergies of various deities. It's going to boil down to who fits your schedule more than anything.


Re: gms in charge of gods
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2008, 08:30:43 pm »
If you don't have access to a deity forum, and your character wouldn't really fit into having access to the forum anyway, you can always bug a PC follower of the deity who can pose the question for you in the forums.

Otherwise, you certainly may ask to join a deity's forum if it fits with your character's RP.

Lord of the Forest

Re: gms in charge of gods
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2008, 02:31:12 am »
And of course there are always PC controlled clerics running around as well ;)


Re: gms in charge of gods
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2008, 03:25:06 am »
And if you do have access to a forum like that, posting a letter there would work and we'd try to reply. Many times it's me replying there, but it can also be other GMs. Usually I wait a bit to give PCs a chance (unless the letter is directed to the NPC authorities of the church).

CDQ wise it can be any GM, if the one that fits your timezone isn't entirly sure about the inner workings of a particular church, he or she will ask for input before running it.


Re: gms in charge of gods
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2008, 07:22:58 am »
Thanks for the help.

Though, I think for what i had in mind, a full blown cdq would not be necessary..just some interaction with a temple cleric for about 10-20 mins. Yes she knows a cleric or two of aeridin, but she wont talk to them about it.

I figured it best to try and find a gm who had a little bit more knowledge about aeridin and the whole half races arent good enough to have kids anymore.

Yes, i know theres more to it, but she just found out and shes really upset. :D
Her head filled with rumors and half stories.

hehe....poor eggy just got an earful O.o

//oh yeah..if this was to lead to something  larger..thats always good thing too!