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Author Topic: lucindite paladins  (Read 223 times)

tom bombadill

lucindite paladins
« on: November 15, 2012, 09:51:19 pm »
Am i understanding the LORE pages correctly in that paladins of Lucinda can level freely between wizard and paladin in any order the player sees fit?

Does the paladin have to choose one of the three chapters and specialize or can he/she stay a general wizard/paladin?

thanks for your time


Re: lucindite paladins
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2012, 11:02:41 pm »
Quote from: tom bombadill
Am i understanding the LORE pages correctly in that paladins of Lucinda can level freely between wizard and paladin in any order the player sees fit?

Yes, this is true.

Does the paladin have to choose one of the three chapters and specialize or can he/she stay a general wizard/paladin?

The wizard must choose one of the three orders and specialize.

If you go this route, know that the organization of Lucinda has changed somewhat since the chapters were first conceived. As such, their specific placement within the Lucindite organization is a little weird now. The Paladin orders don't exactly exist as a separate facet/sect of the Lucindite faith anymore. This can make them a little difficult to RP, given their lack of definition in the current world lore.  Most likely, Paladins would be assigned to the Reaching, though it's probably possible to find them performing their function in other parts of the hierarchy.