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Author Topic: New PC Issue  (Read 143 times)


New PC Issue
« on: August 15, 2009, 04:15:13 pm »
happyslappy just created his new goblin character. When he logged in to the beginning player area it applied his skin and he looked super cool, totally goblinoid, but then it took it away a couple of seconds later. His skin is now shiny like a mirror and his hair is purple, and he has a huge Magnum PI mustache.. LOL

Character was created as a halfling with "goblin" enetered as subrace all in lower case...

He's just kind of hanging out in the beginning area now, "reflecting". (pun intended) :)


Re: New PC Issue
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2009, 05:21:09 pm »
Fixed! Thanks Sea Dog....