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Author Topic: So what are the actual in-world description of gravestones?  (Read 324 times)


So what are the actual in-world description of gravestones?
« on: August 14, 2009, 07:32:18 pm »
We have all seen gravestones after people have died, but from a Lore perspective I've always seen this as a little odd.   Where does the stone for a "gravestone" come from?      What chiseled your name on it?    Why does it disappear if you pray at it?

Or more fundamentally, is a gravestone merely a game-engine artifact?   Perhaps it's really a mark that people attuned to bindstones can recognize, knowing that someone died at this spot?

Whatever it is, I think it would be interesting to hear as to what the actual specifics of gravestones are.   What someone who sees one actually sees.    Presently, although the Soul Mother and Bindstones are well defined, they don't seem to have an in-world explanation and description anywhere I can find in the Lore.
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Re: So what are the actual in-world description of gravestones?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2009, 08:23:11 pm »
A gravestone is an OOC game-engine artifact. There is no 'actual' gravestone.

From another discussion - here.


Re: So what are the actual in-world description of gravestones?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2009, 09:19:27 pm »
Quote from: Pseudonym
A gravestone is an OOC game-engine artifact. There is no 'actual' gravestone.

Does this mean that it is OOC to "read" the gravestone?  Or can people (or other bindstone bound people) sense who died there?


Re: So what are the actual in-world description of gravestones?
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2009, 09:39:01 pm »
It is OOC to read a gravestone. You should have no indication of knowing someone died there unless you saw the event with your own eyes or heard about it from someone else who did.



Re: So what are the actual in-world description of gravestones?
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2009, 09:40:17 pm »
That is my understanding. IC, one might (conceivably) see a large blood smear and wonder who the poor bugger was who left it but any definite knowledge is OOC only.

Yeah, what Row said ... 2 seconds earlier than me!


Re: So what are the actual in-world description of gravestones?
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2009, 08:49:38 am »
*shrugs*  I've always sort of just played it that the gravestones repressent the identifiable remains of whoever's died there.  Maybe my character sees a scrap of clothing or a hairbrush or something he/she recognizes seeing on someone he/she's met.  Everything of value or use would have been removed by whatever did them in and the organic bits would be undergoing decomposition (or digestion in the belly of a beast, eeew!).
 If the official ruling is that nothing at all remains then I'll start just ignoring the grave-markers from now on.