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Author Topic: Problem with Krut  (Read 273 times)


Problem with Krut
« on: July 05, 2012, 05:19:26 pm »
I've just had a new Goblin character approved called Krut but I seem to have a problem with him.

On login the Goblin skin is applied but Krut still looks like a halfling, albeit one with metallic skin and florescent green hair :)  

I was going to ask if someone could sort him out but I wonder if he could be given the default appearance of an NPC goblin instead. I think it'd suit him better.

Thanks for your time :)


Re: Problem with Krut
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2012, 06:05:47 pm »
Yeah, just flag down a GM in-game or hop onto IRC and find one there.  Goblin skins don't always apply properly, so they generally take some adjustment.


Re: Problem with Krut
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2012, 06:23:29 pm »
Can certainly give it a shot!  I have these tutorials bookmarked just in case I see you logged in.  I'm usually available 8pm-12am M-F weekdays and 12pm-12am weekends EST

It may take some time to experiment with the options, but I'd be happy to help.

In case you manage to grab another GM other than me before then, listing some of the DM commands here as reference.

=c sethead pcname, 162 or 165
 =c setcolourskin pcname, 80 (or any color from appendix D in the handbook)
 =c setappearance pcname to 3 (halfling-based w/ custom heads) or
=c setappearance pcname to 82-87 (for NPC goblin forms)

Let us know when a good time for you is to meet and we can help customize your greenskin


Re: Problem with Krut
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2012, 06:29:31 pm »
In addition to what Lonn said, if you choose to go with the NPC goblin forms, that's perfectly fine, but it will leave you without customizable armors or cloaks.  Whatever you put on will not show up past the NPC forms.  We don't mind changing it that way, but it's something we want you to know ahead of time to avoid issues.  Thanks!