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Author Topic: Amaris  (Read 1182 times)


« on: February 15, 2005, 10:13:00 pm »
Forum/Bioware name: IceDragonDuvessa
DM name: Amaris, Death's Harbinger
Characters: Brisbane, Brandeis Aeralaness

Real name: Nicky
Age: 25

Ive been a video game addict for my whole life and a pnp dm for about two years now.

I found my way to Layo through a DnD website and Ive been loving every minute of it...despite my previous proclamations that I would never get hooked on an online game. The work that Leanthar, the coders and the content team have put into this world is amazing and I have been fully addicted since my first night. I am honored to have been chosen as part of the gm team and for the opportunity to be able to give back a little to this all encompassing world. I hope everyone will enjoy the bits I contribute.

I also have to say thanks to Seth who got me hooked on my first night, orth for taking me under his wing as both a player and a new gm and showing me the ropes and to Rhizome who taught me the basics and got me addicted to creature building as well as sparked my interest in dming.