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Author Topic: OOC point of clarification on the whole mukh affair  (Read 489 times)


OOC point of clarification on the whole mukh affair
« on: July 24, 2008, 05:49:19 pm »
I have a have couple of questions regarding the MUKh Affair. They are all OOC as IC my characters know the answers, but OOC the player doesnt.

1) I have always taken the named city guards to be IC individuals know to us who pass the gates on a daily basis. I have also seen it roleplayed that way by a GM. Is my assumption correct ?

2) Were the guards slain and then raised or were they replaced or ? I have noted the two candlelights so I assume they are dead, but ... Were it Jacob and friend who were killed? I stopped and called on the GM for this but no reply (IC stopped at the gates and asked/looked).

An OOC clarification of what happended would be a great help for us players who are affected by the affair. It is not my character who is confused its me as a player so please dont ask me to ask IC - I have done and OOC. I am just getting more and more confused.

I would very much like an authorative GM statement on this as the trial on the calendar is during my night and I need to make a decision on it - IC and OOC.

Thank you in advance


Re: OOC point of clarification on the whole mukh affair
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2008, 06:32:51 pm »
1) Well, those who pass through the gates daily would probably see a bunch of guards.  Of course there's no way they'd be on guard duty all day, every day, so of course there's a rotation and of course they don't all have the same names, look the same, etc.  As to which ones were involved in this particular incident, I cannot say, as I do not know.  The same goes for Captain Trent.  He doesn't patrol the streets 24/7 and probably gets a day off now and then. Mechanically, he's there for appearance.  In "reality", he's one of several who keep to that patrol.

2) Clearly, a city like Port Hempstead has more than 2 guards and one captain.  There's guards all over the place, up on the walls and so on.  I believe the guards are being treated as slain.  Whether they were raised or not, I do not know, as I'm not handling this situation personally. But it's safe to say that what you see in the game and what would really be in the world often differ greatly.  Likewise, let's say it was the two guards represented by the floaty text that were killed.  It would take a module update to rename those guards permanently. Until then, a GM might rename them after a reset, or maybe not.  It's something that's difficult to change dynamically and consistently in a timely and reactive manner.

I'm certain the names of the guards will be given at the trial.  Minerva is handling the event, so she will probably be the one to more completely answer these questions if my response is not sufficient.


Minerva : OOC point of clarification on the whole mukh affair
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2008, 07:22:17 pm »
Thanks !

I do realise there are mechanical reasons for many things - that was in fact one of the unspoken reasons why I posted. I have taken the "two" guards at the gate to IC represent a smallish group of well known faces much like the same three individuals who always seem to be on duty when you commute across a toll bridge. Or to give a more fitting example: when I studied I lived next to a small local policestation and knew by sight the few officers who worked there. Had there been incident locally with two officers killed or wounded I would have known if it was one of them though it was big city.

So having seen players and gms play as if the guards at the gate were well-known faces then I assumed that it was a group of regulars and as such Jacob and his friend were "IC" even if they werent there 24-7.

The OOC confusion set in when people started (in this case like so many other cases) when people roleplayed what had happended and the mechanics could not represent it.

There is also a timezone issue at play here and so if Minerva do not wish to post the reply here, would she kindly PM whether the guards where known faces or not and whether they were raised or not. I tried to make enquires in-game but obviously without a gm the guards couldnt reply.

Thank you Dorg for your reply:)


Re: OOC point of clarification on the whole mukh affair
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2008, 10:16:43 pm »
Port Hempstead is a bustling city of well over 50000 individuals. At any one time there would be traffic on the roads going to the city and a multitude of individuals in the city walls conducting business and day to day life. Included in that would be a garrison of soldiers - the city's Silverguard. Just because in the module the two guards at the gate are Fred and Joe do not assume that they stand at their post twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Indeed they do not have floaty text over their heads to identify them as Fred or Joe.
 Those that frequent the city would come to recognize the guards by sight if they had a care too. There would be guards on the walls, guards on beats in the districts, guards in training areas. Use a bit of imagination to see the world of Hempstead come alive and do not be limited by the tiny piece the NWN engine allows us to show you. So if you knew the two guards that were killed you would need to role play within the consistency of your character if you knew them. Most people I see run in and out of the gates without so much as a glance at the guards. Seeing someone stop and actually role play talking to them is rare and even rarer if they don't think a GM is lurking.
 Two guards were slain in the incident. The younger and stronger was able to be raised but is unable at this time to resume his duties. The older veteran guard was not able to be raised and leaves behind a large family. They were both veterans of the gate, grounds and wall patrol and would have been known to any that cared to make the acquaintance of the guards in a professional manner.


Re: OOC point of clarification on the whole mukh affair
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2008, 05:43:50 am »
Thank you for your reply: 2 dead, one raised, both regulars.

Just because in the module the two guards at the gate are Fred and Joe do not assume that they stand at their post twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Indeed they do not have floaty text over their heads to identify them as Fred or Joe.

I didn't: So having seen players and gms play as if the guards at the gate were well-known faces then I assumed that it was a group of regulars and as such Jacob and his friend were "IC" even if they werent there 24-7.

Use a bit of imagination to see the world of Hempstead come alive and do not be limited by the tiny piece the NWN engine allows us to show you.

I do - hence the need for an ooc clarification.


Re: OOC point of clarification on the whole mukh affair
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2008, 04:12:28 pm »
Don't worry, some replies are meant in a more general sense - we can see that your post says as much in the beginning, but an OOC clarification is directed as much to the general population as to one person asking it. ;) Sometimes whole pages are linked in response to questions by players who have already read them... because when people who haven't look at that thread, it will all be there. In this case, you do not, but a lot of us fall into that trap, and it bears general reminding. :)


Re: OOC point of clarification on the whole mukh affair
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2008, 08:22:40 pm »

And sorry if a bit of a grumpy reply.


Re: OOC point of clarification on the whole mukh affair
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2008, 11:26:36 pm »
Quote from: xiaobeibi

And sorry if a bit of a grumpy reply.
Succinct != Grumpy.


