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Author Topic: Portals traveling  (Read 242 times)


Portals traveling
« on: September 23, 2009, 11:52:43 am »
It may be very puerile, but I was wondering, what would a Character feel after using a teleportation portal? If we based it on sci-fi today, would it be more like the wormholes traveling of "The one" being literally ripped apart, the terminator, which is mainly called displacement yet again painful, or more like the treks series where its all gentle and tingly?

Basically just out of curiosity.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Portals traveling
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2009, 11:56:33 am »
I always Rp that my characters are a bit dizzy after the teleportation, I imagine the processs its instantly, and well it should be a bit dize to step seeing one thing and give another step looking something else.

Just a tought here


Re: Portals traveling
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2009, 11:22:33 pm »
Is there an official thing about this by any chance? Or is it up to one or an other to come up with their own interesting ways of interpreting the process?


Re: Portals traveling
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2009, 12:25:04 am »
There's no official ruling, no.

I can say it's not like The One at all, where people are basically rendered down into streams of particles to be squirted through a black hole, nor is it like Terminator, which was time travel and not a point-to-point teleport.

It can probably best be described as stepping into a well of energy and suddenly being somewhere else.  There's probably some brief disorientation, less so the more one does it. It's a quick trip, though not necessarily instantaneous. I would guess there's a brief sensation of the transit, maybe even some small sense of velocity, but it wouldn't be anything like the wormholes on Sliders or Stargate (pick one).

It's probably most like Star Trek, only faster...but then, these are all technological systems.  Portals are magic. You step in, are surrounded by magic and then you're somewhere else.


Re: Portals traveling
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2009, 12:35:09 am »

Quote from: Dorganath
nor is it like Terminator, which was time travel and not a point-to-point teleport.

Ah yes didn't make that clear, but that is what I meant by displacement as used  in context.

none the less THanks!


Re: Portals traveling
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2009, 10:13:11 am »
I personally... and yes I know ...  but hey!  I LIKE HARRY POTTER... there I said it.  

But I like their idea of apparation as a means of teleport.  The book does a good job describing the process, and the movies do a decent job of rendering that concept on screen.  Especially the times that Harry takes Dumbledore's hand and he teleports the both of them.  It is disorienting the first few times you do it, but seasoned mages wouldn't think twice of it.

For most folks, I imagine it would be disorienting, especially the non-adventuring types.  I feel that it could be role-played much like boat travel.  Some folks may turn green and instantly lose their lunch, every time they teleport.

On a side note, I wouldn't mind seeing more portal location choices, but with the caveat of some mechanical effect that the character endures for 5RL minutes in game as a result of the teleportation.  If it were to be based on a spellcraft roll, it would give credence to mages and clerics alike, who would be accustomed to such means of travel.