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Question about Wemics


I've been slowly reacquainting myself with my wemic character. I notice that when she runs, I feel some disappointment or suspension of belief, as it looks like she's running in slow motion. When I see a large four-legged creature like a wemic I expect it to at least be able to run faster than most smaller two-leggeds. Is this something the GMS will consider adding to a wemic - a slightly faster run speed? Or do I need to take a level in Barbarian just to feel like she isn't running through taffy?

I'm not sure if giving Wemics any type of speed improvement will improve the way the animation looks. When you're running on one of the pathways that speeds you up (like Windjammers Bay) does it look good enough?

Smart! good idea!

I just logged on.
Running on the road is a huge improvement. It doesn't look like she is running through water anymore.

I can show you when you are on next....

for what it's worth, I just refreshed my memory with the wiki on wemics and it says that wemics do get Barbarian Fast Movement (though in-game they obviously do not).


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