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Author Topic: Question on language resources (Vocabulary etc)  (Read 133 times)


Question on language resources (Vocabulary etc)
« on: February 15, 2010, 07:56:03 am »
Hey there,

Been searching but to no avail so far..

Is there any resource available around that can be used (by us, players?) for translating "Common" words into our racial language?

i.e As a Sun Elf I'd love to be able to use my full Elven name when appropriate etc. so would love to know where I might find translations for words like "Dawn", "Raven", "House" etc.

There's lots of interesting sites on the net, ofc such as the "Grey Company" project or the many Tolkein-based Sindarin, Quenya resources etc. but which do we use here, I wonder?

Thanks in advance for any sugegstions or pointers.


Re: Question on language resources (Vocabulary etc)
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2010, 09:17:56 am »
The current game uses the DMFI language ears for the base race languages and has several of its own unique ears for other races.  You can get a translator for the more common races here.  The others would only be accessible ingame.  
 Just because you can OOC access this resource does not mean that your character is proficient in a language they have not been approved of either in the bio or through ingame play.


Re: Question on language resources (Vocabulary etc)
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2010, 09:46:54 am »
Many thanks, Minerva and a very useful looking link indeed so vry much appreciate it.

Ofc, no meta-gaming intended at all and this is purely for completely viable IC reasons (i.e. Sun Elf Genius Wizard knowing Elven) or OOC info. only.


Thanks again.