The World of Layonara

The Layonara Community => Ask A Gamemaster => Topic started by: jrizz on January 23, 2011, 12:16:28 am

Title: Questions for Dezza :)
Post by: jrizz on January 23, 2011, 12:16:28 am
Quote from: Dezza
Barely hours after the announcement of Molvaren of Kuhl intentions, the armies of Kuhl have begun to move.

With the cooperation of Nesar soldiers, Kuhl have set up outposts near  Nith, Orin and Rin to support local Nesar soldiers which are securing  the docks, warehouses and towns. This move has effectively given them  complete control of all the ports on the western side of Belinara.

Does the above mean that the port of Nith is taken? and thus cut off from access.

Quote from: Dezza
Queen Louise Maillard of Nesara has officially closed Arnax to any and all nations or faiths that ally themselves against Kuhl.

Does the above mean that Arnax is closed by portal and boat?

Quote from: Dezza
Shocking news!!!!!!!

In a suprise to many a huge Kuhl army has crossed the border into the  Nation of Hilm and is marching on Sundance. The attack took border  guards by suprise as wave after wave of Myrdrachs flew over their  positions on the border and ground troops simply mowed down any who  stood before them. It was a complete rout with many Hilm soldiers unable  to withdraw fast enough before being overrun by the superior armies  assaulting them.

Already people are desperately trying to evacuate Sundance before the  forward units of the Kuhl army arrive. At this stage, with allied forces  not even formulised and without a leader to draw everyone together the  worst fears are that within a day or so Sundance will belong to the  enemy.

Does the above mean that Hilm is cut off as well?

thanks for the help :)
Title: Re: Questions for Dezza :)
Post by: Dezza on January 23, 2011, 03:38:24 am
Okay my bad, should have clarified that before.

For the time being PC's can continue to use Nith and Arnax for general play but I'd like to ask you to RP that you entered Belinara via Albon.

Of course in quest and gm led situations Arnax and Nith are both closed to players and controlled by nesar and the Cult. Only access to allied troops is from the eastern side of Belinara.

Hilm can still supply through Albon.
Title: Re: Questions for Dezza :)
Post by: Chazzler on January 23, 2011, 11:16:46 am
Thanks, got a little worried there myself too that Belinara was without means of access :D
Title: Re: Questions for Dezza :)
Post by: jrizz on January 23, 2011, 11:42:20 am
@Dezza, First off thank you for keeping the areas open. But I dont think anyone would be upset if you did close down access to those areas. I feel it would be appropriate to make the accessible world smaller. It would really bring home the impact of world events for everyone. I know I may get booed for this but I feel it would up the temperature for everyone, in a good way.

rant over :P
Title: Re: Questions for Dezza :)
Post by: Spike on January 23, 2011, 03:02:04 pm
Quote from: Dezza
Okay my bad, should have clarified that before.

For the time being PC's can continue to use Nith and Arnax for general play but I'd like to ask you to RP that you entered Belinara via Albon.

Of course in quest and gm led situations Arnax and Nith are both closed to players and controlled by nesar and the Cult. Only access to allied troops is from the eastern side of Belinara.

Hilm can still supply through Albon.

So what about us guys in black? Can we still move about freely? Also see my other post here: (
Title: Re: Questions for Dezza :)
Post by: Dezza on January 23, 2011, 10:51:32 pm
The Corathites have refused to support Nesar or the Cult so they have closed the doors of the temple in Arnax. The Cult have supplied some Drachs and a Dragon to ensure the Corathites stay put and dont try anything.