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Author Topic: Raw Parchment  (Read 203 times)


Raw Parchment
« on: November 02, 2009, 02:52:25 am »
Where can I buy or how can I make raw parchment? I can't find it in-game or on LORE.

Help Please:(


Re: Raw Parchment
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2009, 02:59:54 am »
Raw parchment is made with sawdust, a bucket of water, and the Farmer's Press.  You can find cards on pretty much all of the devices, available from the Crafting Merchant.


Re: Raw Parchment
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2009, 09:59:16 am »
I'm not sure if the farmers press has a card.  In any case its 2 bags of sawdust (any type- hickory, oak, mahogany, yew) +1 bucket water per raw parchment, then you have to cook it in the oven. ;)
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Raw Parchment
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2009, 11:24:57 am »
Welcome to Crafting  ;)


Re: Raw Parchment
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2009, 06:42:35 pm »
Quote from: cbnicholson
I'm not sure if the farmers press has a card.  In any case its 2 bags of sawdust (any type- hickory, oak, mahogany, yew) +1 bucket water per raw parchment, then you have to cook it in the oven. ;)

Baking it in the oven is only for making parchment into scrolls, which may be what's needed though there's no indication in this thread, heh.  Parchment comes straight out of the press as parchment.

Also, going off on a tangent and being picky because I'm in that sort of mood right now, it's actually misnamed in-game.  It's really paper, not parchment.  Parchment is made of animal skin; paper is made of plant fiber.


Re: Raw Parchment
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2009, 10:07:41 pm »
Actually there was some made out of plant fiber also

Plant-based parchment

 See also: Parchment paper (baking)
 Vegetable (paper) parchment is made by passing a waterleaf made of pulp fibers into sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid hydrolyses and solubilises the main natural organic polymer, cellulose, present in the pulp wood fibers. The paper web is then washed in water, which stops the hydrolysis of the cellulose and causes a kind of cellulose coating to form on the waterleaf. The final paper is dried. This coating is a natural non-porous cement, that gives to the vegetable parchment paper its resistance to grease and its semi-translucency.
 Other processes can be used to obtain grease-resistant paper, such as by highly beating the fibers giving an even more translucent paper with the same grease resistance. Silicone and other coatings may also be applied to the parchment. One can obtain grease resistance by waxing the paper or by using fluorine-based chemicals. A silicone-coating treatment produces a cross-linked material with high density, stability and heat resistance and low surface tension which imparts good anti-stick or release properties. Chromium salts can also be used to impart moderate anti-stick properties.


Re: Raw Parchment
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2009, 12:21:16 am »
First, that's still paper.  Paper put into acid, and then just called parchment.

Second, nothing similar happens in the crafting system, meaning we make plain ol' paper in-game.

Third, still totally off topic.