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Author Topic: Restoring what was lost...  (Read 2650 times)


Restoring what was lost...
« on: August 11, 2024, 04:15:56 pm »
Hi Guys,
Just planting a seed to see what maybe possible.
I completely understand my character was lost through time, i am sure been many versions of the game or moves over 20 years, amazed was name was even remembered. That being said its a shame as i am scared to think the amount of time and effort i put into the game and played all those years, having some probs of the most powerful items in the game.

THAT Being said. From a story point of view this works great. I cant remember how to play the game, so really learning the NWN toolset and skills from the ground up great. However i do want to stay true to the character, so doing my best tokeep the same things he had before, even stats wise. I realise the level cap is now 40? I was only lvl 20 before, palemaster i believe.

I would truly love some advice or a chat with a GM on the char development. I would really appreciate if later in the game - once ive levelled and got my bearings i could find something of an inheritance of what i had before. Really just to pay back the people helping me now..., as they have no idea truly of who i used to be and what i had :) All earned via story quest  of course....i

Also i do need todo my reading on the classes again. I feel like my character application probably incorrect as from a story point of view...the  corruption of the shifter is what causes the palemaster - making my left arm undead and deadly to touch. I am now born again with a human arm so that part lost at least, so i dont think makes sense to CHOOSE to go down that road again, unless events got thrust upon me to have it happen. Anyway...some advice appreciated.



Re: Restoring what was lost...
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2024, 04:33:58 pm »
Also apologies in advance for taking anything  that as a community would be considered rude...

Minnerva been showing me around and already and here is my struggling to get enough gold to buy basic boots when they are places just filled with chests with these things.
My excuse is I got no memory and quite frankly lawful evil if it helps ME, screw anyone else. But IRL truly i am not ripping the piss and not aware of all the guidelines yet...


Re: Restoring what was lost...
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2024, 05:34:05 pm »
PPS. I am also happy to murder / maim / blackmail / perform ghoulish acts for anyone who has the key to my Tower of Darkness as said back. If Corath has moved in well....tell him to find a new place :)