The World of Layonara

The Layonara Community => Ask A Gamemaster => Topic started by: Lynn1020 on August 04, 2009, 12:22:36 pm

Title: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Lynn1020 on August 04, 2009, 12:22:36 pm
A conversation with another player got me curious about this.  They said that they can sit and rp for hours and never get bonus RP XP from GM's.  

 So that brings me to this...

 This is an RP server so we should encourage those that RP right?  I know it may sound silly for wanting a reward for something you should be doing.  But most go bashing these days to get those rewards.  Seems that we may want to go out of our way to encourage RP these days and not only on quest.  

 I know I used to get XP several times a week for sitting and RPing. There were a few GM's that would seem to make their rounds and hand out XP for those were RPing.  I think most of those are no long GMing for whatever reason.  So this question is really for the active GM's...

 When do you give XP for those RPing and what brings you to do it?

 Do you give it to everyone that is RPing?  Only those that are showing good quality of RP?  

 If it is only the those showing what you think is good xp... what do you consider 'good' RP?
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: miltonyorkcastle on August 04, 2009, 12:52:35 pm
The few times I have given XP outside of a quest occured when I watched PCs interacting IC for a ten-fifteen minute length of time. I actually didn't pay that close of attention to what they were saying or doing- maybe a glance  here and there to get the gist of their conversation- as evidenced by the fact that I really don't remember much more than having handed out some RP XP.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: lonnarin on August 04, 2009, 01:05:39 pm
But most go bashing these days to get those rewards. Seems that we may want to go out of our way to encourage RP these days and not only on quest.

That's an assumption based on what you have encountered thus far.  I suggest finding new characters to group with.  To coin the Vulcan term, "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations."  When a group stagnates and does the same thing over and over, it becomes clockwork.  Add some new folks to the mix and seek out new players and you will be astounded by the infinite number of new players, new perspectives and new characters being made.  It's one of the main reasons I have yet to go epic yet here on the server.  Meeting new people, their characters and the stories that come with them and the interpersonal conflicts, the life's goals and the progression of character development is what keeps my mind alive.  It's also why I make a new character about every 4 months at least. ;)

Make a goblin, make a dark elf, make a Toranite, make something new.  If you don't have all 6 slots filled at all times, I think it's doing oneself a disservice. I know from personal experience that playing a goblin, then a cannibalistic sociopath doctor, then a dwarven defender, then the bane of all sanity, a redneck ninja, a cute little sunshine girl, etc... that the game itself never gets old, just the routine we allow ourselves to get familiar with.  If I was playing nothing but Bjornigar mining diamonds, adamantium, cobalt and eventually mithral, I would go insane from boredom.  Maybe that's just me.

In any case, we could always use more gobbos. :D
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Lynn1020 on August 04, 2009, 01:11:49 pm
Quote from: lonnarin
That's an assumption based on what you have encountered thus far.  I suggest finding new characters to group with.  To coin the Vulcan term, "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations."  When a group stagnates and does the same thing over and over, it becomes clockwork.  Add some new folks to the mix and seek out new players and you will be astounded by the infinite number of new players, new perspectives and new characters being made.  It's one of the main reasons I have yet to go epic yet here on the server.  Meeting new people, their characters and the stories that come with them and the interpersonal conflicts, the life's goals and the progression of character development is what keeps my mind alive.  It's also why I make a new character about every 4 months at least. ;)

Make a goblin, make a dark elf, make a Toranite, make something new.  If you don't have all 6 slots filled at all times, I think it's doing oneself a disservice. I know from personal experience that playing a goblin, then a cannibalistic sociopath doctor, then a dwarven defender, then the bane of all sanity, a redneck ninja, a cute little sunshine girl, etc... that the game itself never gets old, just the routine we allow ourselves to get familiar with.  If I was playing nothing but Bjornigar mining diamonds, adamantium, cobalt and eventually mithral, I would go insane from boredom.  Maybe that's just me.

In any case, we could always use more gobbos. :D

Sorry I must have come across wrong.  I'm not referring to getting into groups and such. I'm not even complaining. I have several characters and they are all hang out with different types of people and always welcome people to any groups I'm in. Traveling or just sitting and shooting the breeze.  Just curious to when GM's hand out XP and why.  I love to RP with or without the XP.  :)
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: LordCove on August 04, 2009, 01:57:23 pm
I will mainly whack people with the XP wand when they're "not" running around and bashing.
Even if the RP is really good whilst they're fighting... I usually wont.

If I spot people sat somewhere... in a tavern... a quiet grove.. ect... who are literally just "sat" RPing.... I'll usually hit them with the RP wand.
Regardless of what they may be talking about.. cooking, cleaning, Plot Quests, the weakness's of Dragons, the bizzare rash they've got between their toes..... whatever.
If they're spending their time purely RPing... then I feel they deserve a RP bonus.
I mean.. that is what its called after all.. RP bonus.
Whether its good or bad RP... it -is- RP.. and should be rewarded.

But.. thats just me.

That said... sadly.. I don't do the RP-seeking-rounds as often as I used to.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Hellblazer on August 04, 2009, 02:14:56 pm
Well I know that I have been hit more than a few time when ever I rp with people. I usually tend to ask who hit me so I can thank them personally. Albe it that lately the RP bonus has been coming less often. Not a complain, but the few gms that used to go around regularly to do impromptues and or check on the rp aspect of thigns, have either been scarce lately or have retired out of gming. But still, it's a bonus and the real fun is the interaction with the players I rp with.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Dorganath on August 04, 2009, 05:05:16 pm
Well first, this seems to go in waves, for whatever reason, which may have little to do with anything except for general GM availability, which also goes in waves. I myself have not "made the rounds" in a while, primarily because there's been too much going on.

When I'm on as a GM looking for RP, I generally turn the Quality-o-Meter down to its lowest setting.  Why? Because what I might personally see as "good RP" may not be the right standard.  The point is to reward people who are actually trying to RP and making a good effort of it, not whether or not their efforts and resulting RP was superlative.

So for me, at least, it's not "good RP" that determines if I hand out XP, though if I'm particularly impressed, I might give out a bit more.

I'll say this though...when I come across a group tossing out a lot of OOC chatter, I put the XP wand away.

From the perspective of a player, I've been on some nights when I've gotten hit three times by three different GMs over the course of 6-8 hours of RPing. I've been on other times when I don't get a single hit over the same amount of time. I'm happy either way. I'm just pointing out that it varies.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Lynn1020 on August 04, 2009, 06:17:52 pm
Quote from: Dorganath
I'll say this though...when I come across a group tossing out a lot of OOC chatter, I put the XP wand away.

Good point.  Don't blame you there.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: twidget658 on August 04, 2009, 07:05:36 pm
I'm pretty much onboard with Lord Cove and Dorg. If there is a group running AND rp'ing...I'll interact and even hit them at the end with some extra RP xp. The best way to get may attention...make my screen roll and STAY IC!
 Also, I love to make the world come alive. If all of a sudden an ox butts you, a chest opens and shuts with ghost laughers, a racoon takes one of your rings ;) then look alive! I will bring the RP to you so show me whatcha got! However, if you are solo'ing, then I normally move on without a stop.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Link092 on August 04, 2009, 07:08:10 pm
Quote from: twidget658
a racoon takes one of your rings ;)

D:<  No silly raccoon! NO STEALING! *promptly eats raccoon*

MY RING! (My precioussss....)

Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Aerimor on August 04, 2009, 08:26:23 pm
I've been workign 60 hour weeks recently, am tired and cranky and don't get on as much I have been known to.  And with my limited time its the RP sessions I have been making time for.  Thank you especially for those that have modeled for Raz.

I like to bash, sometimes a lot.  But its the RP that makes the world and its the RP that mellows me out so I can go turn in another 60 hour work week.

I think i missed point was.. I had a point... oh yes, I love it when I see the RP XP scroll across, it makes a good night better.  Sometime its the debate of: I only have some time, I can either work on the huge intimidating number for next level or I can see if I can get into some RP.  And when you choose the RP _and_ get some XP its like a free second scoop of goodness.

Thanks for all the sprinkles on top.

Oh and i miss Toby, that was his forte.  I can't remember a quest he ran, but he was dilligent about making a nightly round.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Link092 on August 05, 2009, 10:06:22 am
*Richie is still grumbling about the whereabouts of Brandon Steele*
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Lynn1020 on August 05, 2009, 01:40:17 pm
Quote from: Aerimor
Oh and i miss Toby, that was his forte.  I can't remember a quest he ran, but he was dilligent about making a nightly round.

Toby was great about it. osX is another one that would make his nightly rounds.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Link092 on August 05, 2009, 07:10:24 pm
where did they go?  :(
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Mastiff of Liv on August 05, 2009, 08:47:01 pm
I have a funny variation on the topic.  I have two characters, one is a grumpy male and the other is a more energetic female.  Over the four years since I have played, the male has obtained role playing XP one time and the female, who I play quite a bit less, has gotten hit with the wand about six times.
  Although the male used to solo a bit at first, the last few years he has mainly worked in groups and has become more outgoing IC as well.  I believe I role-play both characters well, definitely not as good as some.  One fellow I chatted with through tells about the subject a while back said he used to get hit with the wand nearly two to three times a month.  I always wondered if I was doing something wrong, obtained the stigma of a solo-er or if I just wasn’t in the right place at the right time but haven't dwelled on it.
  I'm not looking for answers, I still RP the same way regardless of any XP reward.  It was just a long winded tale about what I've encountered.

Thanks for bringing up the interesting topic Lynn1020.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Lynn1020 on August 05, 2009, 09:29:31 pm
Quote from: Link092
where did they go?  :(

Not sure about Tobias....

osX is busy with RL right now but is still around when he is able.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: twidget658 on August 05, 2009, 09:48:39 pm
I think a couple of things that does limit this is first off, we have to be on as a GM in that sort of capacity. Meaning, we're not setting up for a quest (which actually takes a lot of time), investigating bugs, checking on disputes, working with the tools, going through maps and areas for quest ideas, etc. Once we are on and not doing the number of other things, we have to remember to do it. I think that is the main point. We have to purposely log on with the intent to surf the server and watch people RP. And really, I don't care if you are fighting or sitting still. If you are RP'ing, then you will get a bit of XP.
I have two characters, one is a grumpy male and the other is a more energetic female. Over the four years since I have played, the male has obtained role playing XP one time and the female, who I play quite a bit less, has gotten hit with the wand about six times.

 Do girls get more XP? Probably. I think that when someone plays a female PC, they act totally different and put a lot more effort into it. I know I do. And for the PCs that are played by real females, they are already more emotional and more soap opera-ish! ;)
 Typically, when I log on, not having one of the other taskings, I like to do something. Run something. Something that I get into, an impromptu. Before my last deployment, I was in a pretty good habit of doing this. I'm just not quite back into the routine due to RL time limitations. Luckily, I have Lynn1020 at my side giving me little reminders.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Lynn1020 on August 05, 2009, 10:00:09 pm
Quote from: twidget658

 Do girls get more XP? Probably. I think that when someone plays a female PC, they act totally different and put a lot more effort into it. I know I do. And for the PCs that are played by real females, they are already more emotional and more soap opera-ish! ;)

:o I can not believe he went there!

*mumbles as she heads off to the kitchen to cook the kids and herself dinner*  I am not "soap opera-ish"......!
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Hellblazer on August 05, 2009, 11:11:02 pm
Quote from: twidget658
I think a couple of things that does limit this is first off, we have to be on as a GM in that sort of capacity. Meaning, we're not setting up for a quest (which actually takes a lot of time), investigating bugs, checking on disputes, working with the tools, going through maps and areas for quest ideas, etc. Once we are on and not doing the number of other things, we have to remember to do it. I think that is the main point. We have to purposely log on with the intent to surf the server and watch people RP. And really, I don't care if you are fighting or sitting still. If you are RP'ing, then you will get a bit of XP.

What I think is all GM characters should have the WL wand or the equivalence, that could then hand out XP if they stumble in party that are rping well to them. This way they don't have to be necessarily on as a gm, and while they can enjoy playing their char they could also able to dispense the good rp bonus xp, when they see fit.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Tanman on August 05, 2009, 11:45:40 pm
Twofold, I prefer to have characters genuinely R. I hate it when people RP just for the sake of getting XP. That means when they know a GM is on, they start to RP.I too, put away the XP wand.

I like characters to come alive and be real. I like to see IC drama even if that means arguments/plotting against one another (if you are one of those types). People that make me laugh or amuse me, or players that are trying. . . I will give them XP or interact with them.

Even though you are sitting around for hours rp, one has to remember that the GMs are not always there...also the way I see it we should be RP and then enjoy Layonara that way and perhaps gain XP. Not RP just to get  XP.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Aerimor on August 05, 2009, 11:51:49 pm
Hey! Raz can hang with _any_ soap opera.  Heck he'd watch them all anyway.  I could see Zari and he sitting on the couch, fuzzy bunny slippers up, facial masks on, eating bon bons and gossiping about the characters.

If he was a sopa opera character, he'd have a huge following!  Heck I might even watch! And I can't stand soap operas. ;)

"No way! He ain't gonna be that stupid? No way he is going to...."
"Oh my gawd, he was that stupid!.... again!"
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Dorganath on August 05, 2009, 11:55:30 pm
Quote from: Hellblazer
What I think is all GM characters should have the WL wand or the equivalence, that could then hand out XP if they stumble in party that are rping well to them. This way they don't have to be necessarily on as a gm, and while they can enjoy playing their char they could also able to dispense the good rp bonus xp, when they see fit.

This has been discussed more than once among the GM team, and the gist of things is this:

WL XP wands are for WLs only.  They're a privilege and responsibility of being a WL. As such, they are only given to WLs, and only the WL character that earned the title. This applies to WL players who are GMs and those who are not.  As the system is currently coded, the WL wands only work for WLs and GM avatars, as this was their sole intent.

For what it's worth, I am much better about handing out XP as a GM than I am as a WL.  Why? I just forget! Or I remember early on in the RP, but by the time it's over, it completely slips my mind.

So for anyone who RPs with Connor and wonders why he's being such a stingy WL, don't blame him.  His forgetful puppet-master is the blame. ;)
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Hellblazer on August 06, 2009, 12:00:10 am
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: twidget658 on August 06, 2009, 12:06:10 am
Quote from: Dorganath
For what it's worth, I am much better about handing out XP as a GM than I am as a WL. Why? I just forget! Or I remember early on in the RP, but by the time it's over, it completely slips my mind.
 So for anyone who RPs with Connor and wonders why he's being such a stingy WL, don't blame him. His forgetful puppet-master is the blame. ;)
 Exactly. We get caught up in the moments as well.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Lynn1020 on August 11, 2009, 10:18:05 pm
Thanks to the GM's that responded. It does help us understand the other side.  I hope other GM's will speak up as well. :)

I hope I did not come across as sound like I expect xp every time I rp. In no way did I  mean that.  But players do talk and it gets around when there is a gm on handing out xp and it may leave others to wonder why some got it and not others. This is the chance to explain a bit of what you look for in RP.   It can only make us better rp'ers right? :D
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: lonnarin on August 11, 2009, 11:35:49 pm
Quote from: twidget658
Exactly. We get caught up in the moments as well.

Aye I did the Plenarius lore quest at least 3x with Farros.  Never got the bump. :P
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Link092 on August 12, 2009, 12:48:48 am
Quote from: Tanman
I like to see IC drama even if that means arguments/plotting against one another (if you are one of those types).

*shifty eyes*


*runs off to plot more secret plots*
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: geloooo on August 12, 2009, 09:28:33 pm
DM Tobias and DM Twidget made my first steps on Layonara full of color! (Ironic since I play a Dark Elf) I actually miss running from guards and encountering random events like the dalmatian last Christmas and the flower girl in Krandor flirting with Ni'haer! Oh, and the guard in Mariner's Hold that made Ni'haer explode in a flurry if rage! Lots of good laughs and interesting rp. I miss those but hey, not everyone has time to go on and bump people with the xp wand for rp. :)
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Lance Stargazer on August 12, 2009, 11:50:12 pm
*Aesthir comes back smiling happily after secret plotting the counterplots from Meander, and why not to do some secret plots with other secret shaddy plotting characters to do more plots vs Lance*


Plotting is real challenging and fun.  heh
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Link092 on August 13, 2009, 01:04:33 am
*plots devastatingly plotty plots that are filled with plotting and potting mix... and more plotty plotting goodness*
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Xaltotun on August 13, 2009, 05:00:55 am
Well, I know that I have been given the benefit of RP XPs from GMs from time to time, and it is most welcome; and most unexpected, so please, keep it coming. I also like to thank the GM too, so tend to send a message on that channel to that effect. It somehow reinforces, to me at least, that I am doing something right and something appreciated by the GM team.

I also like it when, as Geloooo said, an NPC suddenly comes alive and presents you with a situation - great break from the norm and stops the player treating NPCs as mere spectators.

I understand the point on not interrupting players when they are soloing, crafting, and so on, but personally, I would LOVE to get such an interruption. It would break the humdrum part of CNR :D

But I say, from a role playing player's perspective to those GMs who do it, please, please, continue to hand out RP XPs: you know who you are...
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: SteveMaurer on August 13, 2009, 07:32:16 pm
I generally RP because that's what I like to do.  Otherwise I wouldn't be here.  In an ideal world, you wouldn't even need to have such wands.    The only reason I see for them to exist is to keep people from feeling that they're falling behind the people who go out bashing giants.

But let me also rise to the defense of people who bash giants, as well: there is a thrill to risking your PCs life, especially when things aren't going so well, and you know you might die.   We've all felt it.   So I don't think it's fair to completely trash people who like taking on combat challenges, just because the game system rewards them disproportionately.

I guess what I'm saying is that balance is the key to everybody's enjoyment, and the wands help that.
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Lynn1020 on September 15, 2009, 09:44:02 pm
Just want to say thanks to the GM's that have been out and about with the XP wand lately! :)  Always fun to see that green come across for RP XP. Almost like Christmas! :p
Title: Re: RP or quality of RP?
Post by: Tanman on September 15, 2009, 09:58:14 pm
SteveMaurer you are exactly right!