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Author Topic: Rune Magic  (Read 382 times)


Rune Magic
« on: October 12, 2007, 11:11:36 am »
Dwarven Rune magic. Does it exist?

I was thinking about it the other day and wanted to hear what are the rules on Layo.

I know there is something from Kobals Clan but how should one handle it? I am thinking from a Voraxian point of view?

Further can PC play it? Meaning making a ..erhhm maybe a Cleric, sorcerer, smith of Vorax?


Re: Rune Magic
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2007, 04:22:05 am »

hhmmm 42 people and no answer. I guess we will leave this for


Re: Rune Magic
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2007, 04:27:14 am »
Rune magic uses magical written symbols to harness and direct magic. Each of the 24 runes work effectively as a domain. Runecasters can attune to up to 4 runes at a time giving them access to the equivalent of a domain power for each rune plus the 'domain' spells up to the caster's level. Runes can also be used to store spells on magic items (e.g. runestaves) and enhancing the power of spells gained from 'normal' spellcasting classes. A Rune Mage prestige class is offered who can perform divinations using runes and tattoo runes on their body to increase the number of rune 'domains' he can access - all this in addition to the powers mentioned above. Each of the twenty four runes are described with their special powers, available spells, associated skill bonus and some role-playing notes - when Runecasters attune to their runes, their personality is changed by the attunement. Runes can be attuned on the fly (using a full round action) so their personalities can change pretty quickly - a demanding role-playing task, but sounds fun.

Is this what you meant by 'Rune Magic'? I mean, I consider myself quite up to date on most things, but I'm not completely clear on this myself. I'd assume a good number of GMs aren't either ... would be a good idea to clarify.



Re: Rune Magic
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2007, 04:36:08 am »
It is quite common that runes or similar markings are used in places to symbolise a focus for magic. But the exact working, and if they are the same as D&D...

*Looks questionily at Ed.*


Re: Rune Magic
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2007, 04:49:20 am »
Quote from: Varka

hhmmm 42 people and no answer. I guess we will leave this for

No need to bump it that soon, it was not even 24 hrs :)

Now as to your question. Yes there is/could be something like rune magic, but it's not like in Lydyn's post as that's DnD and we're moving away from that.

How it does work is not totally defined yet, so for now they're just Weave spells on etched on weapons/armor/etc.

It has nothing to do with Vorax by the way.


Re: Rune Magic
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2007, 10:35:39 am »
I was on Kobal's ECDQ where runic magic played a role, and actually my character was learning what he could from the old dwarven Loremaster all he could about it before poor ol' Gam met his end.

Anyway, as has been said, it's just spells and magic effects inscribed upon weapons, armor and such.  I think that somehow it is the most "acceptable" form of arcane magic for most dwarves, given a cultural predisposition to distrust and fear the arcane.  However, it is still empowered by the Weave, and it is nothing really "different" or special, just an alternate way of magically enhancing items.

There's no "Rune Mage" or other Runecaster class here, nor really any path that one can go (mechanically speaking) to take advantage of runic magic.

And for what it's worth, my character was not able to get the whole of Gam's knowledge of runic magic before he died.  He got a great deal, but there are still big chunks missing.


Re: Rune Magic
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2007, 11:34:44 am »
so its kind of like what brunor did when he made aegis fang, that type with the forge and the ritual in the stars and the diamond dust and stuff
 from halflings gem in case anyone needed a reference


Re: Rune Magic
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2007, 11:53:47 am »
Except that Aegis-Fang is covered with runes and symbols from the FR dwarven deity of knowledge so it's divine, not arcane.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Rune Magic
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2007, 10:53:34 am »
If you ask Kobal he will tell you what he knows, which is mostly what Dorganath already stated - but coming from a dwarf, obviously.


"Rune magic has nothing to do with witchcraft and dark rituals atempted by those of the dark gods and tricksers. The lore of the Runes is a legacy from our fathers and therefore 'pure' magic. With it dwarven craftsmasters can fashion weapons and armor unheard... unfortunately though, much of the lore has been lost with the ages."