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Author Topic: Sacred fist question  (Read 329 times)


Sacred fist question
« on: August 06, 2008, 04:33:20 am »
I would love for Galathea to become a sacred fist as it would be far the best fitting second class for her, but there is one big problem.

It says in lore that you are unable to equib weapons - this is no problem as its what the class us about, but it leaves you unable to use tools. Galathea is a berylite priestess and a aspiring gem crafter. Not being to work gems is simply out of the question.

Is there any way around this problem - anything that could resolve the issue?


Re: Sacred fist question
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2008, 07:02:03 am »
In NWN terms this excludes the use of the left and right hands, which means they will be unable to do any tradeskill that requires the equipping of a weapon or tool.
Because it is phrased like that, I think it's an NWN mechanical thing, so you really wouldn't be able to equip things like a gemcrafter's chisel for example.


Re: Sacred fist question
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2008, 07:35:33 am »

I am guessing that it has to do with fact that they dont use unarmed attack, but creature.

However, is there anyway to work around this mechanical limit?

I checked lore and there doesnt appear to have been many Sacred Fists ever and I am guessing that this (with the caster level issue) is the main reason.

It just seems a shame as it is an interesting class.