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Author Topic: server trouble  (Read 185 times)


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    server trouble
    « on: June 08, 2007, 12:25:38 pm »
    My character I'm having a problem with is Kioi Ospreycaptor, a druid wemic.
    Every time I log on as him (for the past several days), he gets booted by the server. Did I make a gross error in roleplaying him or is this a technical error?
    At the time it started, I was trying to barter passage on a ship at night in Leringard. Kioi tends to keep away from refined cities; however, to get to other continents, I only know of the ports to do so. If the booting is due to my trying to get on a ship, can I ever leave Mistone?

    I'm scratching my head at this trying to figure what to do with Kioi. Any help would be great!


    Re: server trouble
    « Reply #1 on: June 08, 2007, 12:31:20 pm »
    You are not being booted due to bad RP, that I can guarantee you.
     What probably happened is that you used the boat in Leringard and made the choice to sail to Hurm, which is on the Central server.
     Try connecting to and see if you then get booted.

