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Author Topic: triouble with wands  (Read 217 times)


triouble with wands
« on: May 29, 2008, 11:46:21 pm »
I was going to buy a few wands today for my cleric but found out he can not use any wands even though he is of the right level.  Is there a reason that a half-giant cleric would not be able to use an item usable by clerics?


Re: triouble with wands
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2008, 11:56:52 pm »
might help if you listed the wands in question


Re: triouble with wands
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2008, 02:21:40 am »
Are wands small items (considered small weapons when equipped) ?  This may be the same issue as crafting. Here, large creatures required custom (large versions) of the tailors needle and such.

 If this is the case with wands then there is no easy solution.

If you want an in character reason why you can't use them.  The wands made are simply too small and delicate for your character to grasp and activate them.


Re: triouble with wands
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2008, 02:44:39 am »
I looked at several, cure light wounds, light, bull strength and a few others all level 5 and under.  if it is a size issue, then could I not make my own?


Re: triouble with wands
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2008, 03:03:10 am »
Well that works in the RP sense... but as far as I know, in the mechanical sense, all wands are the same item. When infusing pops out a wand, it's just like any other crafted wand, so it's not like it would be considered bigger because a half-giant did it. There is no distinction whatsoever based on who is crafting it, as long as it is successful. :(


Re: triouble with wands
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2008, 03:09:33 am »
If you use a staff, you could club people with it with a shield up and point it like a wand.  That hurts though not being able to use wands.  At least there are still scrolls if you can read the fine print.

If you become a decent infuser, it's not implausible to do a CDQ to make a special staff recipe or item in game.  Bra'acur made his own missile spell which rocks verilly, and there are magic items in game that came from the CDQs of people like Athus' Touch and Rufus' cursed glowing monkey-skull-on-a-stick.  You could even make it so heavy it's giant-only, heheh.  You can also make use of spell gems from infusing, which is a very Grannochian themed item if you revere the earth side of her.


Re: triouble with wands
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2008, 03:45:03 am »
That's true, you could just use the individual gems instead of the wands. Better a stone than a tiny pointed stick, anyway.


Re: triouble with wands
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2008, 08:22:18 am »
Quote from: lonnarin
If you use a staff, you could club people with it with a shield up and point it like a wand.  That hurts though not being able to use wands.  At least there are still scrolls if you can read the fine print.

If you become a decent infuser, it's not implausible to do a CDQ to make a special staff recipe or item in game.  Bra'acur made his own missile spell which rocks verilly, and there are magic items in game that came from the CDQs of people like Athus' Touch and Rufus' cursed glowing monkey-skull-on-a-stick.  You could even make it so heavy it's giant-only, heheh.  You can also make use of spell gems from infusing, which is a very Grannochian themed item if you revere the earth side of her.

Those were all WLDQs/ECDQs.


Re: triouble with wands
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2008, 10:35:15 am »
So does anyone know the real answer to this or is everyone just speculating.  Stragen in his post ASKED if it was because of it being a small item.  No one has answered this yet.  So if anyone out there knows for sure that a wand is not allowed to be used by a half giant please speak up.  For my two cents worth, size really should not matter because it is point stick and shoot, not something like a knife you need to be dextrous with.

Pen N Popper

Re: triouble with wands
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2008, 11:14:18 am »
Just examine the item:  Does it say size "tiny?"  Does it say a level req that is too high?  I assume by "can't use" you mean "it's red in my inventory."


Re: triouble with wands
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2008, 11:16:28 am »
Patience please.  :)

Stragen only posed the possiblity 8 hours ago. Testing this would probably require a GM to perform or at least assist in the testing, and it really hasn't been that long yet.

However, I see it as a very strong possibility, since NWN looks at size, not function, when determining whether something can or cannot be equipped.


Re: triouble with wands
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2008, 12:10:55 pm »
Having tested it this morning during breakfast, I can state conclusively that wands are a "Tiny" size object.  If you attempt to equip it, the server will respond with "You are too large to equip this item".

As such, I'm afraid half-giant clerics, sorcerers, wizards and rogues are out of luck when it comes to wielding wands.

As has been said, however, it makes RP sense.  Big fumble-fingered hands trying to hold a tiny little wand properly?  Probably just short of impossible.

