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Author Topic: Small question about multiclass druid/shifter  (Read 348 times)

Small question about multiclass druid/shifter
« on: October 13, 2010, 03:12:29 pm »
This came up in a discussion today and it got me wondering.
 Let's say a barbarian becomes a druid then a shifter.. and decides to go back to being a barbarian. Would he lose connection to his nature side or would he still be able to connect to his natural abilities even when he's back to walking the barbarian path?
 Also is a shifter still essentially a druid that is more intune with his animalistic instinct than a regular druid?
 What's the stance of druids toward nature, is it like their god?


Re: Small question about multiclass druid/shifter
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2010, 03:24:31 pm »
Your first question is answered here:

LORE: Restricted Multiclassing

So taking a level in Barbarian after a Druid/Shifter path would mean the Druid can no longer call upon his/her druidic powers until the druid returns to the path through a CDQ.

Also, keep in mind that a Barbarian/Druid is still limited to the weapons and armor of a Druid.  The character is essentially a Druid with some barbarian in his/her past. Becoming a Druid is a lifestyle change, with all the benefits and burdens that come with it.

A Shifter is a druid who does not base his/her identity on physical appearance.  It is not that they are more in touch with their animal natures but rather have come to realize a separation of form from identity, and take whatever form is most beneficial or expedient at any given moment.  Given that many Shifter forms are not even animals further illustrates that it is not about an "animal side."

Nature is everything to a druid.  Some druids are people of faith as well, but they are druids first and foremost. Their service is to Nature. Their strength comes from Nature, but it is not necessarily true that they see Nature as a Divine Entity.


Re: Small question about multiclass druid/shifter
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2010, 03:26:51 pm »
Edit: Or what Dorg said ;-)

In general, yes, if a druid moves to a different path, they will lose their connection to nature.

I personally wouldn't say more in tune with animalistic instinct; they simply choose to develop that instinct by changing shape, rather than other ways.

From [lore]druid information[/lore]:
The belief system of spiritual harmony and direct connection with nature predisposes druids to be less attached to the gods than many other Layonarans. You will of course find druids among the ranks of worshipers of Katia, Aeridin, Shindaleria, Ilsare and many others. But a druid is less likely to be a fervent follower than a cleric whose powers derive directly from the blessings of her or his deity. Katia, for example, personifies nature, and as such can give a druid a very powerful and tangible point of will focus. But a druid’s strength is not gifted from Katia herself. A common druidic philosophy is that the gods themselves are a product of a confluence of natural forces. They evolved. It is considered blasphemous by many and in some places gives druids a hated outsider status, but to them the gods themselves emerged from nature and are in many ways subordinated to its fundamental flows and connections. Thus, druids are not always worshipers of Katia as is commonly thought, and even those that are may view worship in an entirely different light than others.

So there are very different ways that druids may view nature; I'm not sure that any two PCs that I am aware of have exactly the same stance.

Hope that answers your questions.

Re: Small question about multiclass druid/shifter
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2010, 04:05:40 pm »
Thank you both for the prompt answers.