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Author Topic: Rebuilds/Remakes?  (Read 237 times)


« on: October 05, 2007, 10:57:40 pm »
I heard that you allow someone to remake characters at level 1, but don't allow rebuilds of characters at the level they off at - is this true?

I'm hoping not, otherwise I have a problem ... but I'll reframe from ranting here until I get an official answer. Thank you.



Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 11:03:20 pm »
That is situation dependent. We'd need to understand the circumstances to answer your particular one accurately and with confidence, however that is usually the rule, yes. RP rebuilds have occurred, but are very rare and difficult to justify. Mechanical mistake rebuilds happen more frequently, and are handled on the disputes forum, providing it is requested within 48 hours of a mistake while leveling, and you have not acquired more than 10% to the next level.

Often if someone is very low leveled, it is much easier and less of a hassle to just restart the character over from level one with a slightly altered name.

Relevel/Rebuild Policy


Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2007, 11:03:58 pm »
I'm not sure what you mean by "the level they off at," but from time to time the Team allows rebuilds for genuine mistakes in a build, or (though more rarely) for SOLID roleplay-based reasons, like a Fallen Paladin swapping levels for Fighter.

Typically, though, if you just took the wrong feat and pressed the button before you realised it, they'll fix it, but if you just don't like how a feat is working out... Well, there's the option of recreation, but you lose all of those levels in most cases...

Bah, I'm rambling and probably not helping much. Someone on the Team should be along to give you an official answer soon. (Edit: Or even before me. Hah! Goooo, Acacea! :))


Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2007, 11:11:05 pm »
Well, the problem is ... I honestly shouldn't have given her ranger levels. Especially now, in no way does she reflect the personality, thinking, or skills of a ranger (except basic tracking, but anyone can learn that with time). On the other hand, if she starts back at level 1 ... even though she's only gained 4 levels ... I, uh, have difficulty making any role-play sense out of that, sorry. She suddenly loses power? *Scratches head* Hence, my problem.



Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2007, 11:56:36 pm »
I'm confused.  Your character was approved as a fighter/ranger split.  Have you taken any fighter levels?  How many Ranger levels have you taken?  Are you planning on ever taking Ranger levels or are you considering going with all fighter levels?

Releveling is possible, but we don't want people to do so on a whim, so it needs to be well justified and not become anything resembling a habit.   I hope that makes sense.


Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2007, 12:18:45 am »
2 Fighter / 3 Ranger. Do I plan on taking more Ranger levels? Probably not, though I've learned RP definitively can change plans. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this, though I've heavily considered a more arcane path ...

Personally, I don't like the hassle of all this. It takes time, can get a little nerving since you guys are worried about me making a habit of this, making sure it's jusified, and me worrying it'll actually go through and I can role-play my character correctly.

That being said, I try and avoid this as much as possible, in fact ... I've only done it twice in a year and half of role-playing. This has been considered for a couple days now, as I've watched my character act, react, and socialize with other characters, seen the setting she's putting herself in and so on. To me, rangers are almost just as much hunters as they are connected to nature. They refer to nature, hunt for their own food, use the natural world to their advantage and so on. Ellena has done very little of this and I don't believe she shares the right mentality for a ranger.

Yes, she was approved for the class split, but it was also a new idea I was trying out, seeing as I both love knights and rangers. However, it seems my skill in combining them isn't quite up for the task. I don't know how else to put it, except that I know how to play rangers, but Ellena really isn't a ranger.

I'm guessing unless she specifically mentioned IC that she was a ranger, no other character would've even guessed she was. If anything, she displays her knight-ness more than anything at this point.

As a last comment, I'm truly sorry for bringing this up. I know how much of a hassle and concern it is for you guys and I hope I addressed it fairly. All I can say for a final say is, I made a mistake in her original submission and I never take these sorts of things lightly.



Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2007, 12:40:19 am »
I think yer making more outta this then it is.  If you want to start over, say so and why.  Don't worry about the RP of it all right now.  Yer level five.  Rp matters more for someone whose been a PC a while, not a few days/a week.  Shiff releveling would need all this RP justification.  I dont think Ellena does.  Just tell the team what you want, and they'll let you know.


Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2007, 12:49:23 am »
Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
Don't worry about the RP of it all right now.  Yer level five.  Rp matters more for someone whose been a PC a while, not a few days/a week.

No ... no. RP matters more to me than anything mechanically. I'm sorry, I simply have to disagree with that. I will worry about the role-play about it because it's a role-play server and role-play is just as important, in my opinion, at level 32 as it is at level 2.

I think I should justify all this in a RP view. *Shrug*



Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2007, 12:56:13 am »
I didn't say RP was not important, as the reasoning.  Remaking her as a wizard would be ridiculous.  But if she comes off more as a fighter then a fgt/ranger, ask to remake her as a fighter.

EDIT - I personally am not good at getting my true intentions across on forums, so If I seem to be contradicting mysself, sorry.  I never meant that the RP of the PC was not important...  ITs very important, just If her RP makes her more Fightery then rangery, I dont see the problem with releveling her as a straight fighter...


Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2007, 12:59:48 am »
Well, I still disagree she doesn't need the justification ... but, uh, I did forget to say what I wanted her to relevel as, heh! I was just thinking plain fighter levels right now. She's still a martial character with grace and her background still shows that she's had weapon training in several areas, with some minor tracking skills and so forth.



Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2007, 01:01:47 am »
Well there is your justification, in my mind...  I'd let you relevel her...  But that might also be why im not a character approver...


Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2007, 01:21:38 am »
Ah, misunderstand.  The "habit" comment has nothing to do with you and more to do with a matter of policy, meaning we don't want to establish a precedent for such major character changes because they consume time for an already busy GM staff.

As I said, if the RP reason is good, then can be done.  If your intent is to not walk down the Ranger path, then resubmit your character to reflect that (you won't need to recreate), and if approved, make a request (as a formality) to be releveled to affect the change.

Don't get discouraged...people make mistakes. It's not a big deal as long as it's done for the right reasons.



Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2007, 01:38:41 am »
So, resumbit my character to reflect her not being as much of a ranger and, if approved, make a request to have her releveled?



Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2007, 01:42:50 am »
Yup...   As easy as making a fool of Shiff....

Which is REALLY easy...


Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2007, 01:59:58 am »
All you need to do is edit your initial bio to reflect no ranger and all fighter and resubmit it to the character submision forum for review by one of the character approvers.  Once that is complete (and approved) one of the GM's can help you with the relevel.

r/ osX


Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2007, 02:43:33 am »
Thank you all for clearing this up. :) You guys are really good with timely replies an' all. :D



Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2007, 02:48:47 am »
*sticks out his tongue* :p


Re: Rebuilds/Remakes?
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2007, 09:15:16 am »
Quote from: Lydyn
No ... no. RP matters more to me than anything mechanically. I'm sorry, I simply have to disagree with that. I will worry about the role-play about it because it's a role-play server and role-play is just as important, in my opinion, at level 32 as it is at level 2.

I think I should justify all this in a RP view. *Shrug*


I just wanted to press the Thanks button a few dozen hundred million times for this.

