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Author Topic: Turn Undead and Undead Slayer  (Read 444 times)


Turn Undead and Undead Slayer
« on: September 17, 2011, 09:16:15 pm »
Can someone validate for me. Do Undead Slayer levels count towards turn undead levels?

I know it has been asked before, but not sure I've seen a validated answer. Would seem like a natural by product of the class since turn undead is a prereq of the Undead Slayer PRC.



Re: Turn Undead and Undead Slayer
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2011, 12:21:51 pm »
Are you asking the number of turn undeads you can do in a day, or how effective it will become?


Re: Turn Undead and Undead Slayer
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2011, 07:29:06 pm »
Looking for impact on effectiveness. Do US levels count towards turn base class levels. Number of turns is really not dependent on levels



Re: Turn Undead and Undead Slayer
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2011, 01:06:41 am »
If you want to tell me how to figure out the answer to you question, I will be happy to log in my undead slayer and go figure it out for you.

If you are just looking for a broad, "My turns work better than they did when I stopped taking Paladin levels and started taking undead slayer levels", well.. they do.  



Re: Turn Undead and Undead Slayer
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2011, 05:28:43 am »
It's my understanding that the more level you have in any class that can cast turn undead will give better result as you take more levels. Having a higher charisma will also help as both are taken into account. Once you hit a point where you class level and the charisma bonus  places you above twice the dc (class level) of the foe your facing, it's bye bye undead instead of them just running away.

Now something that me and Clarissa used to find a bit odd, was that Lex'or my cleric undead slayer, was able to actually better destroy the undeads with turn undead with a lower charisma and lower overall level than her paladin and that was even before he was an undead slayer and before he had the sun domain.. Not sure what to make of this.

The only difference between the undead slayer and the other classes that can turn undead is the fact that undead slayers automatically receives the sun domain which gives an additional 1d6 toward the DC of the undead. Meaning that the undead slayer can potentially kill on the spot an undead that has a DC up to 6 level higher than what a cleric or paladin would be able to do if they did not have the sun domain.

So yes in essence with the undead slayer class, you will be able to turn undead more effectively, up to a point, since there is only 10 levels of undead slayer. So all in all a cleric or a paladin that were 10.. 12.. 15 levels higher than your undead slayer, would still have better odds at turning the undead.


Re: Turn Undead and Undead Slayer
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2011, 06:25:30 pm »

Previous discussion tells us that no, Undead Slayer levels do not count towards the total HD turned by Turn Undead. However, they get the Sun domain, along with a couple of feats, which make them more effective at Turning Undead.

Also, Turn undead - NWNWiki gives information on how Turning works.

Why the guesswork when there's hard information out there, a quick search away? <3


Re: Turn Undead and Undead Slayer
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2011, 08:32:13 pm »
In DnD and NWN Paladins turn undead as a cleric two levels lower.

For example a 5th level paladin and a 3rd level cleric would turn at the same effectiveness as long as all other factors are even (domains, charisma, rolls, etc.)  Hence why a Paladin doesn't get turn undead until 3rd level.


Re: Turn Undead and Undead Slayer
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2011, 11:02:39 pm »
Thanks for this discussion.  Still the question remains if a Paladin would get any benefit to his turn checks if the Paladin multiclassed with Undead Slayer.  I know U/S gets the sun domain, but since that's a cleric thing I am not sure how that would apply to a paladin?  Obviously the extra turning feat that the U/S gets would give the Pally more turns/attempts.

P.s.  sorry if this was a slight hyjack


Re: Turn Undead and Undead Slayer
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2011, 11:23:21 pm »
You still get the Sun Domain, and associated powers.