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Author Topic: Telekinesis  (Read 724 times)


« on: June 10, 2012, 04:20:22 pm »
Or roughly manipulating objects at a distance.

As seen in The Elder Scrolls series and various other games, shows and movies featuring magic. (Marlin for example)

Question is can such a thing be rped by mages? Roughly Wizards and Sorcerer... maybe bards too Not sure about clerics as they rely on prayers instead of raw magic

Ex: a closed gate blocks path with a visible lever on the other side.
Spell craft/concentration check to manipulate and pull the lever and open the gate.

Additionally for Druids and maybe rangers and nature clerics. growing and manipulating vines from the ground to reach things for them?
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Re: Telekinesis
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2012, 06:30:15 pm »
Point of fact:  There is a spell in game already that allows you to open/close doors and gates from a distance mechanically.


Re: Telekinesis
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2012, 09:18:08 pm »
As noted, there is a spell for opening doors, gates and locks already.

I won't answer "Yes" or "No" for Telekinesis specifically, but RPing of most spells and spell effects that are not mechanically represented may be possible under the supervision and direction of a GM.   This means it is up to the GM to decide whether or not something of the sort can be attempted and up to that GM the attempt is successful. The answer may vary from GM to GM, but the possibilities exist.

It should be remembered that RPed spells and spell effects are not "free".  Magic has a cost, of course, and such an RPed spell should reduce the available spells a caster has for a given level.

For example, Telekinesis is a 5th level Transmutation spell for Wizards and Sorcerers. If I were asked, a caster who could not cast 5th level spells...or one who already cast all of his 5th level spells...or who was a Conjuration specialist Wizard...or a Bard...would not be able to attempt such a thing, in my opinion. The higher the level of spell requested, the more difficult I would make it.  For a wizard, I might require the wizard to prepare the spell, thus sacrificing another.  

I personally wouldn't let Clerics attempt Telekinesis, just like I wouldn't let Wizards attempt Cure Critical Wounds.

Druids of sufficient level could potentially combine Plant Growth (3rd  level) with Animate Plants (7th level) to do what you suggest.

Other GMs may have different methods and different answers.

So things like this are possible (and have been done), but one must work with a GM, and within the constraints set by that GM, to make them happen.


Re: Telekinesis
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2012, 09:54:06 pm »
Quote from: Aerimor
Point of fact:  There is a spell in game already that allows you to open/close doors and gates from a distance mechanically.

True but though that spell only unlocks locked doors and containers not quit open them.

Though now looking through the spell list on LORE I seem to have forgotten there are those Bigby spells... there almost like telekinesis I think... and perhaps something GMs could use to help determine varying levels of telekinesis perhaps?

Manipulating a small light object = lvl 5 Bigbys interposing hand

Manipulating a large heavy bolder = lvl 9 Bigbys crushing hand

Note however the Bigby spells are Evocation not Transmutation. Which I think is more to what telekinesis is as one is placing force upon the object to move it rather than trying to change it into something else.


Re: Telekinesis
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2012, 10:34:29 pm »
I was not talking about knock.

There is a spell that mechanically opens unlocked doors, gates etc from a distance.

This spell also has other useful but not combat powerful applications as well as fun role play uses for those of of mind.

This spell is also low level.

I take it a lot a Razeriem.  As I said it has many RP uses, but it has a few combat applications as well as opening doors form a distance.  Which is always useful if you are not really sure if it is trapped or not...or sure it is trapped.

That's because evocation is better than transmutation, period. =)


Re: Telekinesis
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2012, 10:43:25 pm »
What spell are you talking about then? I don't see anything like that in the spell list in LORE.

LORE: Wizard and Sorcerer Spells


Re: Telekinesis
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2012, 11:16:53 pm »
I believe he is referring to an "off label" use for a spell, meaning it's not something that is necessarily listed in the spell description but which can produce other mechanical side-effects than what is explicitly listed. If I had to guess, he's referring to evocation spells that effectively open doors by blowing them to small pieces.  Note that he also said "unlocked doors".

For what it's worth, I disagree with your suppositions about the Bigby's spells and potential secondary uses.  For one thing, Bigby's Crushing Fist is about keeping something stationary while attempting to crush it.  This is somewhat counter to the ability to direct its manipulation of an object, which implies both motion and keeping the object intact.

As I said before, though, one needs to work with a GM when attempting such a thing.  No absolute definitions of what is or isn't possible will be given here. If you want to attempt Telekinesis (or some other spell/effect) on a quest, work with the GM.  If you want to attempt a creative use of a standard spell (or spells), work with the GM.  That's the best and only answer this thread will ultimately provide.


Re: Telekinesis
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2012, 04:20:17 pm »
Or he means Gust of Wind ;)