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Author Topic: Terrifying Rage effect duration  (Read 178 times)


Terrifying Rage effect duration
« on: April 01, 2010, 01:09:51 pm »
Now, LORE says the effect is 1d6 rounds (as does the game manual I believe), but then again, NWNWiki says it's actually 1d3 rounds on a non-modded system.
Which one is true for Layo?
I think the 1d3 rounds, since it seems to not ever last for longer than about 3 rounds.


Re: Terrifying Rage effect duration
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2010, 02:19:29 pm »
From Lore:

"Specifics: While the Barbarian is raging, any enemy with less than the Barbarian's hit dice that comes close to him must make a Will save opposed by the Barbarian’s intimidate check or become panicked for 1d3 rounds. Opponents with up to twice the Barbarian’s HD will not flee but will receive a –2 penalty to attack and saving throw rolls. Creatures with more then 2x the Barbarian’s HD are not affected by the rage."

I have always found it to be 1d3 rounds.


Re: Terrifying Rage effect duration
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2010, 02:34:55 pm »
We'd need a DB admin to check for sure, but the 1d3 rounds listed in [LORE]Terrifying Rage[/LORE] should be correct.


Re: Terrifying Rage effect duration
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2010, 09:52:29 pm »
It's stock Bioware, 1d3.


Re: Terrifying Rage effect duration
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2010, 12:01:28 pm »
Thanks for clearing, even though I didn't check LORE but made assumptions :D

Yet I think the IG description uses 1d6, I will have to check this for inconsistency between IG and LORE 8)

