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Author Topic: Ocean distances  (Read 409 times)


Ocean distances
« on: January 27, 2011, 01:26:06 am »
Question on sea travel distances.  What is the approximate distance by ocean (straight line) traveling east from Alhon, Belinara to Leringard, Mistone?  Same question if one was to travel west from Westgate, Belinara to Audira, Dregar?

I also wanted to make sure one could travel east from Belinara and make landfall on Mistone and I'm trying to get an idea on distances.

//edit:  Looking at the scale on the map of Belinara, it appears to be roughly 2,000 statute miles or about 800 leagues from Westgate to Audira...right?




Re: Ocean distances
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2011, 09:31:08 am »
Quote from: davidhoff

I also wanted to make sure one could travel east from Belinara and make landfall on Mistone and I'm trying to get an idea on distances.

If I recall correctly, the GDC sent a well provisioned fleet east from Arnax, Nesar to make landfall on the west coast of Mistone (in-game terms) many years ago. Again, if I remember correctly, this voyage took at least a few years though, of course, it is not known if they made detours and/or were delayed in their journey. The oceans east of Belinara are a mystery to even the most experienced sailors who ply their trade in the more well known shipping channels amongst the 'known' continents of Layonara.


Re: Ocean distances
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2011, 12:19:24 pm »
If you do the measurements and use the scales on the map, you should be able to calculate that yourself.
i have not checked your calculations :)

As for sailing from Belinara to Mistone, yes, that can be done but it's a vast expanse of water.
Like Pseudo said, it took the Cult years, but at the time that was partly due to the Plot GMs not being able to progress the plot due to RL.
We do have an explanation for why it took so long, but since no PC was there and no investigations have been done, that is not know.


Re: Ocean distances
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2011, 03:45:21 pm »
Quote from: EdTheKet
We do have an explanation for why it took so long, but since no PC was there and no investigations have been done, that is not know.

Hint!  someone should investigate!  :p


Re: Ocean distances
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2011, 01:17:15 pm »
Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
Hint!  someone should investigate!  :p

You're a few years late don't you think?