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Author Topic: Eghaas Treebringer -Stuck on the hilltop  (Read 266 times)


Eghaas Treebringer -Stuck on the hilltop
« on: April 08, 2012, 06:12:56 pm »
Name of Character: Eghaas Treebringer

Name of GM Witness: N/A

Date of Occurrence: N/A

Eghaas is stuck on one of the hill top. Requesting a DM to bring him down.

Not quite sure if this is he right process but just thought I would request it anyway in the right forum.

Many thanks.


Re: Eghaas Treebringer -Stuck on the hilltop
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2012, 08:43:57 pm »
Actually, it belongs in Ask a Gamemaster.

Moved for convenience.

