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Author Topic: An easy question  (Read 407 times)


An easy question
« on: November 07, 2010, 01:06:43 pm »
While pondering what I'll be up to as my character once he is approved a question came up which has no apparent answer: Is it possible for my character's alignment to shift one way or another through the decisions my character makes which aren't linked to CDQs or such? (IE through daily interactions and such) Or is it limited to requesting CDQs for such to be possible? (curios because my character will basically act like I would in any given situation, btw: expect to see me either bonzai into a dragon or dive for cover depending on my current mood :P ).


Re: An easy question
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 03:12:42 pm »
Characters can't change alignment without approval prior to beginning the shift, and alignment points are awarded rarely enough that you shouldn't have to worry about it.  Just remember that True Neutral isn't "free to be as random as I want."  

Day-to-day interactions IC may cause your character to reconsider his path.  If that happens and you'd like to have his alignment shift, you'll need to submit for it and will probably need either a CDT, a CDQ, or both.  There are no rapidly shifting alignments in Layonara.

Also, character submissions are processed from the bottom up, so bumping your submission to the top of the pile actually slows its processing down.  It's not a very fulfilling answer, but approval takes as long as it takes.  *shrug*  The more complex and exotic the submission, the more has to be checked out, so the longer it takes to approve (and potentially correct).  Just FYI.


Re: An easy question
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2010, 03:23:10 pm »
Thanks for both answers ^^ (btw I don't bump threads up for any other reason than having something to say or ask).

I don't think I'll stay True Neutral as that doesn't sound much like me ( neutrality= weighing things, rationalizing, etc, I am more of a react on the moment then think as I go with it type, whatever seems right at the moment is logically the best course possible for me to undertake in that situation, of course it isn't completely on instinct but nor do I stand around and think about it for more than it takes me to find out which self-evident solution ,to me, is best all round).


Re: An easy question
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2010, 03:33:35 pm »
You're welcome.

Remember that if your character is approved as True Neutral, you have to play him True Neutral.  Don't cheat the system by ignoring the approved alignment to play a restricted alignment you prefer, please.  

If the character you've submitted would be best, in your opinion, as, say, Chaotic Neutral, you can ask that the approval be postponed and try a more basic second character for a while.  After displaying the ability to play within the approved alignment of the second character for the requisite period, then you could resubmit the first character with the alignment you really want.


Re: An easy question
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2010, 10:06:46 am »
Quote from: Gulnyr
You're welcome.

Remember that if your character is approved as True Neutral, you have to play him True Neutral.  Don't cheat the system by ignoring the approved alignment to play a restricted alignment you prefer, please.  

If the character you've submitted would be best, in your opinion, as, say, Chaotic Neutral, you can ask that the approval be postponed and try a more basic second character for a while.  After displaying the ability to play within the approved alignment of the second character for the requisite period, then you could resubmit the first character with the alignment you really want.

That's the thing... I only want one character so guess I am gonna be playing TN for a while (basically not being either good nor bad and neither chaotic nor lawful in said behavior, not much really to it) and either way I am going at it "the character will be me" style so no more an issue being truly neutral with Kohim than I am in real life...oh s**t ...

Just kidding :D.


Re: An easy question
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2010, 03:13:13 pm »
Please refrain from suggested profanity in this community. The clever use of alternate symbols does not change the sense of the word you are masking.

The level of conduct here is intended to be family friendly, as we have a very wide range of ages among our player base.  Please strive to "keep it clean" in your communications.


Re: An easy question
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2010, 03:58:31 pm »
say poop instead :P