The World of Layonara

The NWN Persistent World => Bugs => Fixed Bugs => Topic started by: davidhoff on June 30, 2017, 12:20:53 am

Title: Throwing axes exceptional yields none
Post by: davidhoff on June 30, 2017, 12:20:53 am
Description: Griff made some copper throwing axes the other day and he got an exceptional, but it yielded no axes.Location: Vehl crafting roomsVerified: Not sureReproducable: Hasn't happend again yet, but no exceptionals again yetSuggestion: It would be nice if exceptional did yield a special result.  Maybe give the axes some extra damage (ie, 1d8 negative vs chaotic), or make them keen or something; maybe double the yield.
Title: There are no exceptional
Post by: Dorganath on June 30, 2017, 10:57:56 pm

There are no exceptional throwing axes of any kind  in our palette.

There was, however, a bug in the crafting database.

For most CNR items, the "Exceptional" result is the same as the non-exceptional result. For a few items, there is a different item that returns on an exceptional roll, but throwing axes are not one of them. That said, there was a typo in the database for copper, bronze and iron throwing axes for the exceptional result that referenced a non-existant item. The result is that an exceptional result returns...nothing.

I've corrected the database, so that an exceptional roll will return something, though it may not take full effect until the next server reset.