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Author Topic: CDQ for Dweeble Smallnose  (Read 909 times)


CDQ for Dweeble Smallnose
« on: February 10, 2010, 03:54:04 pm »
My character has determind that the benchs at Port Hempstead's fountains are not made well enough. He wants to write a letter to the town counsel and ask for permission to replace them.

Not sure if this is a CDQ or just asking for a DM to RP this out.

Thanks either way!


Re: CDQ for Dweeble Smallnose
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2010, 07:32:52 pm »
Hi Verideth,

What kind of result would you possibly be looking for from this? Do you want your character to be given permission to replace the benches in terms of RP? Are you asking to have the benches replaced mechanically with some other model in the module?

A little clarity in what you were thinking the letter writing might lead to would go a long way in sorting out what type of interaction would be best suited for this.

Thanks in advance for any additional info,


Re: CDQ for Dweeble Smallnose
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2010, 06:05:06 pm »
Replacing them mechanically would be wonderful but I am not sure if the dev people have time for a RP thing such as this.

A visit from an offical or even a letter would suffice, if time is not available.

It could all be handled through simple RP too, It could be said once I completed or provided the materials and made checks the benches where better or what not. No in game change needed at that point.

I am game to what ever, even a simple letter that says no.



Re: CDQ for Dweeble Smallnose
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2010, 06:15:14 pm »
Hi Verideth,

From what you've said, it sounds like the most appropriate course of action would be to start some roleplay, perhaps by writing a letter to an official and posting it in the "Rumor Has It" forum, which contains a lot of IC forum RP. If you found a GM who had time for a short interaction with a city official, this too would be okay, though obviously that hinges on catching a GM when they have time for a little impromptu RP. For now, I think that this can be handled without a CDQ likely, unless it was tied to a larger goal like .. oh, I don't know, the beautification of Port Hempstead after the tsunami.

Please also remember that Port Hempstead is undergoing a lot of rebuilding and changes right now, even if they are not always represented in game, due to the damage from when the tsunamis hit the city full on. If you wanted to ask someone about benches in Port Hempstead and what the state of things might be there right now, Pankoki might be a good person to get in touch with.



Re: CDQ for Dweeble Smallnose
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2010, 10:10:48 am »
Thanks will do!