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Author Topic: The path of enlightement  (Read 210 times)


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    The path of enlightement
    « on: May 17, 2006, 01:08:52 pm »
    "This group of worshipers focuses their skills on the mastery of the elements. Four distinct groups work towards this goal by feeding off of each other. They attain balance through their elemental manipulations: Fire balances with Water, Air with Earth. Through these opposing forces, a balance is maintained and strengthened. There is never any one element that has an upper hand. Purity of mind, body, and purpose.
    The monastery is located on Rilara at the foot of the Ledros Mountains and the shore of Io Lake. Part of it is carved into the very mountain. All four Elements are represented, adhering to the purity of Elemental balance: Water from the lake, Earth in the mountain, Fire is deep under the mountains to the magma that formed them, Air surrounds all.

    Followers of the Path come from diverse faiths with no single faith being predominantly represented. At any given time, a Katian can be seen as well as an Aeridinite for example. While each Element has its own monastic following, there are several on the Path that follow the priestly and druidic ways. There is an even smaller group of followers who have merged the ways of the priest and the way of the monk into the ultimate representation of their faith and their Element."

    I found this article while educating myself about the world of Layonara.

    My character is a half-orc monk who has dedicated himself to become more than his present state.
    I read the article and think it would make a very good quest for him to discover , locate and perhaps be part of theis monastic order.

    Anyone could guide me in to the proper steps to take?

    Thanks in advance
    OOpps just realized i did not posted this correctly. Will post it in the proper sticky for Dm ..sorry "blame it on the newbie bug..."