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Author Topic: big issues-advice needed!!!  (Read 427 times)


big issues-advice needed!!!
« on: August 22, 2006, 10:34:05 am »
ok, so I was approved in this thread for wizard classes

I started a cdq with rasterick/oggie...half done.
that was march.  we never really talked again... then I lost i-net connection for 3 months.  come back, and hes gone.
because of my being gone so long, I'm RP'ing partial memory loss...  what was happening during my CDQ would have changed ALOT of things partaining to elves.  I have notes on paper but not in journal of it.  much has changed, people are gone, and main relationships with my char have been drastically altered.  hence, it was easier to lose my memory.

so I see a few options that I need someone to think about with me, go over, and see what to do!!!  my CDQ was never finished.

1) wait and wait and wait (game time, it will be a LONG time) for Rasterick to come back and finish... even without the other people in my CDQ
2) grab a new DM in a while after I get another group of adventurous people together
3) go ahead and take the levels since I don't NEED a CDQ-at least, I don't think I do since its not a prestige class. (correct me)
4) another part of the memory loss: at any time, Oggie/rasterick can come up to me, and we can finish... heck, in a year or two RL time even.  it was an awesome start to the CDQ, and I wish that it was finished!  but at the same time, if life interferes, unless my memory is jogged, I can conveiniently forget eveything that happened.  BUT RPing is fun, I just would like to beable to go out an level up...
5) anything I didn't think of????


Re: big issues-advice needed!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2006, 03:24:15 pm »

You were approved to take the wizard levels without a cdq however you opted for the cdq and then disappeared which essentially is a failure, therefor I would suggest you reapply with a different DM for cdq and continue rping the memory loss until the other cdq can be picked up if it ever is.


Re: big issues-advice needed!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2006, 07:31:08 pm »
see, I agree, but reading the rules... theres this little thing now

Rules of CDQs

1. A player can only have 1 CDQ per 2 month period.

2. A character must be at least level 10 to have a CDQ.
a. The only exception is a character looking to move into a PrC before level 10.

I am only level 9.  SO should I try it, and point the dm/gm to this thread?  thats the reason I asked.  cause I can wait til then.  Just don't want to break a rule!


Re: big issues-advice needed!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2006, 08:00:46 pm »
In the case of wldq's, cdq's etc we try to grandfather situations in where they are warranted. You were approved for a cdq before when we had the old rules in place. However, you then left and as Ice stated that essentially meant the cdq was 'failed' as we had to move on to others that were waiting. In this case you need to wait until level 10 before applying again for a CDQ that way you fall in line with the new rules.

I thank you for checking in to verify what you should do. Good job.


Re: big issues-advice needed!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2006, 06:07:15 am »
yup-i can wait til lv 10, easily... since all I'm doing is RP'ing mostly