The World of Layonara

Character Development => Character Library => Topic started by: Masterjack on September 29, 2009, 09:33:23 am

Title: Gsan Vlora
Post by: Masterjack on September 29, 2009, 09:33:23 am
This character has already been approved for me to play. If you want to use this character as is just send me a PM and use it. If you want to make any changes feel free but; they will have to make it through the the normal character approval process before you can use it.

For new people here is the must read link to the deity Aeridin LORE: Aeridin (

Character: Gsan Vlora
Age: 150
Gender: Male
Class: Cleric
Race: Elf
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Aeridin
Domains: Healing, Good


Gsan Vlora is an orphan. He grew up being raised by the priests of Aeridin in Port Hempstead. He has spent almost all of his life inside the church, now he wants to go out and experience more. He humbly asked and received permission from his local church to go out on his own into the land.


Gsan likes to play jokes on people, nothing serious or out of place. He really does like a good laugh and finds it helps those that are hurting. He takes his duties to the church seriously. He also likes to enjoy life, for he can not fathom any reason not to enjoy this cycle of his life. He is curious almost as curious as the halflings that live in the city.

Like most people he knows he does not like "evil creatures". He is also willing to bend a few laws when he thinks it will help those that he feels are "good" or for the "greater good"


Gsan knows nothing of his family. All the priests can tell him is, that some traveling merchants found a burnt out homestead with baby Gsan screaming outside. The investigation by Hempstead guards found a local farm had been destroyed. The family who owned the farm had been killed along with what they presume to be some guests. The guests where Gsan's parents. The farm family was new to the area and no one had a chance to get to know them. So no one has a clue where Gsan is from. He took the last name Vlora in honor of his priestly mentor Rendele Vlora who passed away trying to help Hurm during the Plague.

Rendele Vlora's plan for Gsan was to immerse him in Halfling society. Gsan went to school and socialized with them while growing up. Rendele Vlora wanted Gsan to have a connection with the locals. It was his way of trying to enlighten the locals to the ways of Aeridin.

Cleric required paragraphs:

1. I have read the information on Aeridin and I will play Gsan as a faithful priest of Aeridin to the best of my abilities.

2. Gsan loves the church of Aeridin. His focus is on this current cycle of living and making the most of it. A common quote from him is "Live life to the fullest, you never know when this cycle will end." If he can help people enjoy their life more, he is more the happy to oblige.

3. Gsan has a hard time dealing with "evil races", those races that are not allowed to enter Hempstead. He secretly blames them for his parent demise, though their is no evidence to prove it. He will help one of an "evil race" only if they do not show hostilities, or if it may help the greater good.

Gsan uses his quarter staff as his main means of protection. He also carries a long bow as it is the only item that was recovered and given to him from his parents. (I have not decided what type of armor he will wear but it will have typical Aeridin colours, white, silver and gold leaves)


Gsan has no direct link to any Royalty/Powerful Family or God, outside what a normal cleric would have.
Title: Re: Gsan Vlora
Post by: Carillon on September 29, 2009, 12:34:09 pm

While your offer is very generous, we are currently limiting donations to the four most basic, non-magical classes, Rogue, Fighter, Barbarian and Ranger. However, we are considering another alternative for submissions that fall outside these parameters. With your permission, I'll leave this here but marked as "not ready" until we finish our discussions, but thank you for sharing your biography like this.
Title: Re: Gsan Vlora
Post by: Carillon on November 04, 2009, 03:14:24 pm
Moved to the Character Library, with author's permission.