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Author Topic: New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook  (Read 9243 times)


New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« on: August 21, 2011, 01:17:11 am »
Character: Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Class: Barbarian
Race: Human
Alignment: True Neutral
Deity: Mist


There once lived a man, strong and mighty. A fierce barbarian from the sea faring tribe on Krashin. Ragna was his name, Ragna Thorook. As many from Krashin, he worshiped The Lady of the Seas, Mist. Though some may say his worship for her is like that of unbridled love.

When out at see, no matter the ship, Ragnas prayers to Mist are never for a safe journey across her waters. Nay, he'd always pray for her to bring him a storm and should any ever be seen, Ragna demand control of the helm by force and steer the ship straight into the storm. Laughing maniacally along the way. Thus was he nicknamed Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook.

It was not long till Ragna came of age and was given rights to a ship of his own. After gathering a crew, Ragna sailed out in search of the perfect storm to test his ship... and his men. Finally he found one. A fierce hurricane, off the coast of Mistone. Ragna sailed right into it and by shear brute strength and force of will Ragna steered through the waves. Laughing and shouting up into the storm, begging the lady Mist for more as frightened crew men either abandoned ship willingly or were thrown off the rocking ship.

It was not long till a great bolt of lightning stuck the main mast and blow the ship to pieces. Ragna managed to cling to a piece of the debris and drifted unconsciously to the shores of Mistone. As for the crew, no one knows. Likely taken by Lady Doom. When Ragna finally awoke, he looked up into the sky and gave a hearty laugh, praising and thanking Mist for the wild ride.

Afterwards he journeyed to the nearby town, Leringard. Why, that is this town, and who am I you ask. Heh, you should already know by now, but if ye ask if I be trying to tame the tempest? Hah! Fools errand! No one, not you nor I could ever control her. I merely ravel in her untamed, unbridled, chaotic embrace. *thunder clashes* By witch I believe she calls. *grabs his warhammer and marches out of the tavern* Come Lady Mist and bring me a storm! *hearty laughter*

Ragnar marched out into the storm. As it seems, no mater here he is, land or sea, where ever a storm blows is where he feels most alive. Ragnar soon came upon a small caravan. Ragnars barbaric Krashin heritage urged him to raid the caravan, where he could then hear and see his war hammer bash into them. This urge to raid quickly changed to protecting the caravan as he saw a group of bandits coming to raid the caravan themselves, just outside town.

With the clashing of lightning and the roaring thunder echoing over head, Ragnar entered a fierce rage as he charged the bandits, fighting along side the caravan guards to fend them off. Once the bandits were chased off, Ragnar was given a small pouch of coins for his aid. With this he came to decide he won't raid the caravan in the bandits stead and perhaps there is another way for him to build his fortune and rebuild his ship.

//Ragna has no claims to land, riches or anything from Krashin or anywhere.


Re: New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2011, 01:23:58 am »
I know I said I was gonna try and be minimal this time but recalled this character idea from back when I lost my computer. Might give up Grizzal for this one... if theres nothing incredibly wrong with this submission.


Re: New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2011, 07:34:56 am »
Dracogear while we appreciate your desire to get a character approved, the amount of characters you have submitted and the extend of the revisions to the characters submitted are simply too much for the team to work with.
Therefore we will kindly ask you to focus on nor more than two characters for now, the rest of the character thread will be locked for now while the approval process of these two commences.
We will of course try our best to get the approvals done as fast as possible for those characters you choose to work on.

The Character Approvers Team


Re: New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2011, 04:51:26 pm »
Alright, I took it from the posts in Valkairs submission that you wanted this character approved as well if possible.

So far there are two main issues with the submission:

Chaotic neutral is a restricted alignment and you have not been on the server for long enough to be approved for said alignment. However there is nothing in the submission speaking against Ragna being neutral granted that the people going with and allowing Ragna on their boat did so willingly, and probably knowing his reputation.

Secondly while it is alright that he was given a boat for himself you will have to state that he holds no title or claim on any riches on Krashin.


Re: New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2011, 08:47:35 pm »
Quote from: Pibemanden
Alright, I took it from the posts in Valkairs submission that you wanted this character approved as well if possible.

Yes that is correct. and aooroval of Ragna means the abandoning of Grizzal. Might move him to library though.

Quote from: Pibemanden
So far there are two main issues with the submission:

Chaotic neutral is a restricted alignment and you have not been on the server for long enough to be approved for said alignment. However there is nothing in the submission speaking against Ragna being neutral granted that the people going with and allowing Ragna on their boat did so willingly, and probably knowing his reputation.

Awwww, so I guess that my long absents took away my CN privilege. :(

Quote from: Pibemanden
Secondly while it is alright that he was given a boat for himself you will have to state that he holds no title or claim on any riches on Krashin.

So his shear insanity and madness of sailing into hurricanes does not warrant him to be chaotic?


Re: New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2011, 01:48:20 am »
You can still  use him as chaotic but then you will have to wait till you  fulfill the requirements for that alignment.


Chaotic Neutral remains a special alignment, and the submitting player must have had an active character in the world for four (4) months prior to the submission of the Chaotic Neutral character. There is no minimum level requirement for this active character. You do need to submit, in your own words, an acknowledgment stating your acceptance of the rules of the server and giving a statement acknowledging that Chaotic Neutral is not carte blanch act randomly, expecting to be free of penalty. In the game and in our community, actions have consequences, and if you are not willing to accept the consequences, do not make those actions.

I would just suggest that you play him as true neutral if you want the character approved right now.


Re: New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2011, 02:27:52 am »
Eh... ok. I could alway take a CDQ later to make him CN after the four months. There is a sorta event I had in mind for him after a number of levels and after he got himself a new ship... and perhaps a crew. ;)

BTW, alignment changed to TN.


Re: New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2011, 05:16:48 pm »
Alright, this can be approved right away with a small further adjustment.

The landing outside Vehl is indicating a really really long journey which is rather unlikely given that he is "just" chasing storms. Therefore I would suggest that he lands in Leringard or somewhere closer to Krashin.

Another thing is that not everyone on Krashin worship Mist, however many do.

Fix those two things and you will get the approve stamp.


Re: New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2011, 05:31:10 pm »
Ok, changes made, now just the question of how he got from Leringard to one of the two starting cities. (Fort Vehl or Port Hempstead)


Re: New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2011, 07:57:50 am »
He can just have joined a caravan or something similar heading south, might be that he wanted to see what the waters were like further south.


Re: New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2011, 04:07:05 pm »
Long and nearly forgotten was this character. Sadly it seems I have lost interest in this Character. Though as a contribution he is moved to the Library.

Wow, two characters in one day... arn't I so nice?


New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2011, 04:07:51 pm »
Character: Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Class: Barbarian
Race: Human
Alignment: True Neutral
Deity: Mist


There once lived a man, strong and mighty. A fierce barbarian from the sea faring tribe on Krashin. Ragna was his name, Ragna Thorook. As many from Krashin, he worshiped The Lady of the Seas, Mist. Though some may say his worship for her is like that of unbridled love.

When out at see, no matter the ship, Ragnas prayers to Mist are never for a safe journey across her waters. Nay, he'd always pray for her to bring him a storm and should any ever be seen, Ragna demand control of the helm by force and steer the ship straight into the storm. Laughing maniacally along the way. Thus was he nicknamed Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook.

It was not long till Ragna came of age and was given rights to a ship of his own. After gathering a crew, Ragna sailed out in search of the perfect storm to test his ship... and his men. Finally he found one. A fierce hurricane, off the coast of Mistone. Ragna sailed right into it and by shear brute strength and force of will Ragna steered through the waves. Laughing and shouting up into the storm, begging the lady Mist for more as frightened crew men either abandoned ship willingly or were thrown off the rocking ship.

It was not long till a great bolt of lightning stuck the main mast and blow the ship to pieces. Ragna managed to cling to a piece of the debris and drifted unconsciously to the shores of Mistone. As for the crew, no one knows. Likely taken by Lady Doom. When Ragna finally awoke, he looked up into the sky and gave a hearty laugh, praising and thanking Mist for the wild ride.

Afterwards he journeyed to the nearby town, Leringard. Why, that is this town, and who am I you ask. Heh, you should already know by now, but if ye ask if I be trying to tame the tempest? Hah! Fools errand! No one, not you nor I could ever control her. I merely ravel in her untamed, unbridled, chaotic embrace. *thunder clashes* By witch I believe she calls. *grabs his warhammer and marches out of the tavern* Come Lady Mist and bring me a storm! *hearty laughter*

Ragnar marched out into the storm. As it seems, no mater here he is, land or sea, where ever a storm blows is where he feels most alive. Ragnar soon came upon a small caravan. Ragnars barbaric Krashin heritage urged him to raid the caravan, where he could then hear and see his war hammer bash into them. This urge to raid quickly changed to protecting the caravan as he saw a group of bandits coming to raid the caravan themselves, just outside town.

With the clashing of lightning and the roaring thunder echoing over head, Ragnar entered a fierce rage as he charged the bandits, fighting along side the caravan guards to fend them off. Once the bandits were chased off, Ragnar was given a small pouch of coins for his aid. With this he came to decide he won't raid the caravan in the bandits stead and perhaps there is another way for him to build his fortune and rebuild his ship.

//Ragna has no claims to land, riches or anything from Krashin or anywhere.


Re: New Character Submission - Ragna "Mad Man" Thorook
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2012, 09:20:52 am »
Wow, He is still here? Well... guess I'll be taking him back... and hopefully make it in time for Lances quest tomorrow. ;) :D

