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Author Topic: Character Submission: Valanya Godwinson  (Read 2175 times)


Character Submission: Valanya Godwinson
« on: October 13, 2023, 04:20:25 am »
Full Name: Valanya Godwinson
Age: 26
Class(es): Paladin, possible CDQ for Sorcerer in the future
Race: Half Elf
Alignment: LG
Deity: Lucinda

The family of Valanya Godwinson have always been part of the weave; generations of Godwinsons have been wizards for as long as she remembers.

Valanya was brought up by her father and other close family, for her elven mother died when Valanya was 12 on an archaeological expedition to the dragon isles, searching for magical artefacts.

Given her boisterous upbringing (she has 3 brothers); she understandably has a good grasp of fighting and finding the enemies (or older brothers) weak spots. Although Valanya has many half elven tendencies, her human upbringing has given a more human view of the world, too young to fully understand her mother’s elven influence.

Given her families dedication to Lucinda, it was obvious that Valanya would proceed down a path related to her, as 2 of her brother had already proceeded to become mages (the other is a baker).

As long as she could remember Valanya felt the weave differently from her kin. It scared her that it seemed more dominant and forceful than the magic her brothers had strived so hard to master through years of intense study. Many times she had nightmares of fire and explosions and awoke with singed bed clothes. She told her father, Gawain of these visions, and he understood that unlike any of his other wizard ancestors, there was a potential Sorcerer in the family. He knew little of his wife’s ancestry and suspects she inherited it from her. He was proud to have such magic potential in his family but feared for her safety, as only other sorcerers could nurture this intuition based gift, as he could instruct her little, only ever methodically learning from books and ancient texts.

 However, another idea struck him and he recommended the Knightly Order of Lucinda, for as powerful with the weave as she was, she was a strong, just and noble girl, full of energy and devoted to Lucinda. With the rigorous training under seasoned Paladins he hoped she could either channel her energy into the protection of Lucinda and the weave, or one day conquer her own fears and realise her potential as a Sorcerer, and honour Lucinda with the weave.

Gawain took his daughter to the temple of Lucinda and explained her plight to the    Protectors, they understood her unique problem and agreed to train her, we she excelled in the use of a rapier.

1.Valanya has a natural talent for the weave, bubbling under her surface like fire. However, Valanya has suppressed it as she wishes to take a more assertive role in defending her tenets and has pledged her self to a Paladins servitude to Lucinda. Though she has doubts whether she can suppress the bubbling raw magic it forever.

2. Valanya’s adherence to Lucinda’s laws are as much instinctive as consciously aware, although she knows them rigorously. Valanya intends to promote and defend the weave in all its forms and guises, particularly in strength and wisdom.

3.When danger looms and the weave is threatened, Valanya tends to wear full armour and a  wields a rapier and  shield, however in peace time she wears long flowing purple and white robes that dance in the wind, symbolising the ever flowing weave.
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck, Chazzler, davidhoff, willhoff


Re: Character Submission: Valanya Godwinson
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2023, 02:36:43 pm »
Hello gavinsmith2600,

thank you for your submission. It is a solid submission, but I am afraid I have to clarify some things (if I read correctly on discord, you are a returnee and some things have changed over the years):

Due to some IG events, no half-races are born after the year 1421. As some IG time has already passed (it is already the year 1490), the starting age of a half-elven character would be 87 years old. I did a check myself and I can no longer select a half elf during the race selection screen upon character creation.

Not relevant for the initial submission, but for a possible resub I'd like to mention that paladins have restricted multiclassing ( While it is still possible to take sorcerer levels later on, Valanya may not freely take any more paladin levels after taking a level in a new class.

Also, as it is a paladin submission, I'd like you to extend the additional statements a little more ( I am kind of missing the first point.

Due to the responsibility of a character who is granted divine power to uphold these things submissions for Clerics, Paladins and Champions must contain the following three sections in addition to the standard submission:
  • An acknowledgement that the player has read and understands the dogma and expectations of their chosen deity and intends to follow them.
  • How this particular character sees and interprets their deity's dogma in the past, and how they will, in the future, reflect that interpretation. This does not mean that your character may not change how they interpret the dogma or how they embody that interpretation as they are influenced by world events and RP. Treat this section as more of a description of how your character currently plans to embody their interpretation of the dogma.
  • A discussion/explanation with respect to how closely the character follows normal practices of the chosen deity, particularly in regards to the character's choice of weapon, armor, clothing and even colors worn.

Just as a side note: The weave is now known as the Al'Noth  ;)

As I already mentioned before, I really like the submission per se. It truly is a good read and without the race (which can no longer be selected during character creation) and the missing statement regarding your understanding of the dogma, I'd approve it right away.

The following users thanked this post: davidhoff


Re: Character Submission: Valanya Godwinson
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2023, 07:29:16 pm »
Thanks for replying so quickly.

