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Author Topic: Revial of Jacee  (Read 5005 times)


Revial of Jacee
« on: August 26, 2024, 11:06:55 am »
Orginal Bio

Full Name:  Jacee
Age: 36
Class(es): Fighter
Race: Human
Subrace: Aasimar
Alignment: NG
Domains (if cleric):
Short Bio/Description:

Before you stands a woman.  Defiant is the word that best describes her.  She has a physique that is well above average, especially given her age. Her close cropped hair is so blonde it is almost white.  Her eyes are the color of emeralds and when her gaze turns upon you; your insides squirm as if she can see your darkest secret.  They are a mother’s eyes.
This is Jacee. No surname is necessary or wanted.  It is obvious from her bearing that she is not of common birth. She is indeed the daughter of a minor noble; a man noble in title only, not in deed; a man driven to subjugate those weaker than he. Jacee’s mother, Novais, was said to be her image, as each of that female line has been for unnumbered generations. It is whispered Novais was a bride of force rather than willing and that she died under suspicious circumstances when Jacee was but a baby.  Her brothers are her father’s get on a series of other willing and unwilling brides. She was bartered to her husband in exchange for lands and trade agreements.  His taunting and ridicule about her unusual looks has hardened her soul. She has seen injustice done at the hand of her father, brothers and husband. She has done her duty as daughter, sister, and wife.

Now is her time.  In secret she has trained with the blade of her husband. She has bribed the family weapons master to tutor her in the ways of the sword.   It has taken all her courage to break with her family and leave their cruelty behind.  She seeks to somehow balance the scales of her life.  She was raised to believe that the strong rightfully dominated the weak because they could.  Her inner voice has told her this is wrong.  She knows she has a calling to be different, she is unsure what that calling is and if at her age, it may be too late.

(I’m not sure at this time how this character will progress. She may stay a pure fighter, or she may find she has a religious calling for paladin or cleric. Again, which god she would follow is not clear at this time, I suspect Toran or Vorax.  I will re submit at that time if it occurs.)

I had her deleted back when we were only allowed 6 and I needed space for a quest only character (CiCI)
Now that the limit has been upped I have a hankering to play her again
I would of course start her from 1 again and if necc write an appropriate backstory to cover her absence from the adventuring world but not Layonara proper
Is this possible?



Re: Revial of Jacee
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2024, 06:59:09 pm »
Could you post a brief synopsis of the event(s) that you are working with to explain the absence of Jacee amongst the Dragonborn? I think that is all that would be needed here.

Thank you in advance!


Re: Revial of Jacee
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2024, 09:53:15 pm »
Jacee dropped from the adventuring community when her good friend Katrien was left as a single mother .  She hung up her sword and armor for a time to help raise the child and work with Foundation behind the scenes.  When Lisse' was a teenager she met and married a merchant from Fort Llast.  He was a widower with children from his previous relationship.  She was quite content to mother and raise them but the youngest has been out of the nest for almost 5 years and her husband recently passed leaving her alone in a big house.  She had aided the militia from Fort Llast from time to time training new recruits but has been well out of practice, hence restarting her at level 1 again.

She gains no advantage from the business connections or wealth of her late spouse and his backstory is open to GM machinations should the team so desire.
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Re: Revial of Jacee
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2024, 12:00:19 am »
Jacee is re-approved for adventuring life.

Welcome back to the adventuring life.
