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Author Topic: Dregar: Clover (Rael)  (Read 381 times)


Dregar: Clover (Rael)
« on: January 16, 2008, 03:52:26 pm »
Name: Clover

Location: Deep in the Forest of Fog, on Dregar.

Terrain: Thick southern forest surrounds Clover. The town pads along a soft blanket of pine needles and the murmur of wind in the trees, and the cross-timber ranch homes sit in a clearing with one end a debris-strewn path that leads to the road to Blackwind. As this is a logging town, the local terrain is carefully trimmed forest with bark, needles and branches in piles around the outskirts. Because of the noise or perhaps due to druidic intervention, animals shy away from this area. There is the constant lullaby of domestic animals; the braying of donkeys and mules, the lowing of oxen and cows, the clucking of chickens, and the snorting of pigs. Aside from the trees, there are multitudes of small gardens providing vegetables and some fruit.

Population: 1,100 – 78% Human, 20% Halfling, 1% Elf, 1% Half-Elf

Defenses: None. The town has never before had to deal with anything worse than threats and the occasional giant attack. Many of the town’s younger folks are trained by the elders to wield scythes, bows or axes with efficiency and this has been sufficient to beat back the giant clans when they have caused troubles, and to deal with the occasional monstrosity.

Notable People:

Mayor “Nana” Ceeley is an elderly woman who spent most of her life as a ranger in Vale. Her love of the forest was always balanced by common sense, however. When she heard of the troubles in Clover, she came to see what she could do to help, and fell in love with the town. She has worked tirelessly to enact logging policies that are not offensive to the forests protectors and are profitable to the town. So far, she has succeeded. She is just over five feet, slightly built, with short grey hair, warm brown eyes, and a cheery wit.

