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Author Topic: Dregar: Lorindar  (Read 511 times)


Dregar: Lorindar
« on: September 14, 2004, 01:38:00 pm »
Location:   Lorindar is at the southernmost tip of the continent of Dregar. Population:  15,000 (45% human, 15% half-orc, 15% halfling, 10% dwarf, 10% gnome, 5% elf)  GP Limit:   28,000gp  Alignment:   Neutral Good  Government:   Monarchy  Defenses:  A large, well fortified masonry wall surrounds this city. The ruler is proud of the protection the wall offers the city. Some parts of the wall are also protected by spells.  Miscellaneous Information:         The twin horsemen of Lorindar are either the first or last landmark most people see on the continent of Dregar. In the early days of the rule of Pranzis a company of horsemen were sent into the wilds of the southern plains to make the lands livable by common folk. A massive Drow invasion in the prior century had drawn all of the capital’s attention and left the south, despite being so close, to fall into shadow. The towns of the southern plains were quickly overrun and the people either fled further south or went missing. Once the capital was settled, the horsemen left the gates to reclaim the towns and clear the roads. In the end, only two made it to the southern tip of the continent. There they found an impressive and resilient throng of Dregarians living in scattered coastal communities under the constant threat of assault.
  The two horsemen, a twin brother and sister of the Galeright family, rallied these scattered tribes under the flag of the capital and brought them to the ruined outpost at Lorindar. There they rebuilt the town by hand and with primitive equipment. Still, they rebuilt it with enough motivation and skill to withstand the swarms of bugbears and giants that crashed against their walls like waves against their stone docks. Of course the Galeright twins were in front of the walls, meeting each wave with astounding skill and passion.
  Rather than return to the capital, the Galeright twins settled in Lorindar and brought the king and queen themselves to witness the mighty will of the southerners. It was a glorious day in the history of Dregar, one that lives in the proud tales of Lornidarians. Shortly thereafter, the capital redirected immense funds and manpower to Lornidar, sensing its strategic, economic, and political significance as well as the sentimental unifying force it had for southern Dregarians.
  Now Lorindar is the busiest and most strategically situated port, always bustling with commerce and strange faces. The people of Lorindar are proud of their city and their close connection with Pranzis and work hard to maintain their dominance in the shipping business of Dregar. Most of the merchants and associated industries find honor in honest and fair business dealings, and the city has become known throughout the realm as such. Nevertheless, Lorindarians are often suspicious of outsiders, particularly those from competing ports, notably their rival city, Waysend.