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Author Topic: Kingdom of Roldem: Rodez  (Read 583 times)


Kingdom of Roldem: Rodez
« on: September 15, 2004, 11:50:00 am »
Location: On the Northern coast of Talimar lays the wealthy city of Rodez.  Population:  7985 GP limit:  12500 Alignment:  Lawful Neutral Government:Monarchy Defenses:High white walls surround the city Miscellaneous Information:             The sheer opulence of this city dazzles many visitors. Nearly every building looks sparkling new and not a single cobblestone seems out of place on the streets. All visitors enter Rodez through the glorious docks, and one would have to travel far into town to observe even a cracked surface…let alone a glimpse of the meager domiciles of Rodez’s servant underclass.
              The reason for the extravagance is simple: Rodez is the central trading port for all of Layonara. Rodez has adorned itself in signs of success and beacons that light up the night clouds in an attempt to lure passing cargo vessels to their markets. For ages, these tactics have worked. Ships have often stopped their journey between Dregar and Rilara short, dumping their cargo at a competitive price to be resold to a vessel traveling the opposite direction for the same goods. Captains can’t resist cutting their voyage in half, even if it means paying a little extra gold for their cargo.
              Every trade good throughout Layonara makes its way at least occasionally through Rodez, a fact of which Rodez’ innumerable and hard working dock-hands are proud. Ships from Voltrex have been seen at this port in recent years as well. Since the docks at Saida are closed to outsiders, Rodez has become the trading outpost for fine elven wares, boosting their economic prospects ever further.
              The King of Roldem looks at Rodez with suspicion however, as the city seems to be growing too influential for his comfort. Rumors support the suspicions of the King, as it is said that Rodez thinks of itself as the ruling seat of its own kingdom on Talimar Island. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Rodez has stopped paying its tributes to Roldem as well. The ruling elite of Rodez seem to be taking advantage of the contemporary turmoil and are exacerbating it at the same time. With position, politics, and money all playing huge factors in the port’s existence, Rodez is a crucial variable in the current campaign for Layonara.

