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Author Topic: Dregar: Waysend  (Read 490 times)


Dregar: Waysend
« on: September 14, 2004, 01:48:00 pm »
Location:  On the east cost of the continent of Dregar is the city of Waysend. Population:  6,000 (55% human, 15% half-orc, 15% halfling, 5% dwarf, 5% gnome, 5% elf)  GP Limit:   7,800gp  Alignment:  Neutral Good  Government:  Republic  Defenses: There is a masonry wall that is about 80% completed that surrounds the city. The ruler is spending lots of money to ensure the city is well protected from bandits and ships alike.  Miscellaneous Information:  Waysend has recently come into its own, since Blood’s arrival. With Hurm disintegrating and with Pranzis rebuilding its troops, Waysend has been left on its own and is building a good shipping business. Waysend is one of the cities that is trying to break away from Pranzis’ rule.