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Author Topic: Arrow crafting amount  (Read 175 times)


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Arrow crafting amount
« on: June 12, 2006, 09:32:06 am »
just a thought, considering that when you successfully craft one set of arrows you get around 20, well how about the dice roll you get determines how many arrows you get? so if you say, rolled a 17, you would get 17 arrows, or if you rolled a 1 you would get one arrow. thoughts on this?


RE: Arrow crafting amount
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2006, 09:33:30 am »
sounds cool, but when you get 100% pass rate you should get the full stack made that you would get anyway.

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: Arrow crafting amount
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2006, 09:48:15 am »
In my opnion - 20 is already a low amount when your making arrows from rarer ingrediants and you use ingots of adamantium, or Cobalt to make the arrow heads. I would hate after gathering enough nuggets to make a few ingots of these metals to have the fletcher roll a 1 and only get 1 arrow from the ingot. When your talking about consumable items like arrows, possibly lowering the amounts of items crafted(though by an interesting approach)Just doesn't sound like fun.


RE: Arrow crafting amount
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2006, 10:04:46 am »
This would kind of penalize more experienced crafters, who would have a greater and greater chance of not receiving a full stack of 20 arrows/bolts even though their skills increased.  And as crazedgoblin said, if it's trivial, it shouldn't matter what you roll (and yes, we still roll on trivial crafting attempts) should just get the full stack.
  It's a bit counterintuitive to have someone actually improve in a craft and yet still have an equal or increasing chance of losing CNR because of varying yields tied to an ever-increasing range of acceptable die rolls.
  Someone with a 95% chance of success would average 10.5 arrows/bolts per successful attempt.  Someone with a 25% chance of success would average 18 arrows/bolts per successful attempt.  Granted, there will be more successes for the 95% crafter, but I'm sure we've all fallen vicitm to the occasional long string of low die rolls.
  This would also require us to program in a special case to the crafting system, which is not necessarily a good thing, nor something we would want to do. This also gets into the question of whether one should get full XP for crafting a partial batch or should that be scaled, causing yet another special case. Lastly, what if we decide to change the number of arrow/bolt shafts in a CNR bundle to 5, 10, 25, 50 or whatever, and thereby change the number of arrows craftable at a single time, then the d20 die roll no longer holds validity.
  And what Lalaith said....arrows are consumable, and fairly rapidly so at higher levels. Due to their nature, arrows and bolts (and possibly sling bullets) are about the only things currently craftable in numbers capable of producing a full stack (Batch size of 5, yielding up to 100 arrows per attempt)


RE: Arrow crafting amount
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2006, 11:14:38 am »
i think what arcanist means is only if you fail with a roll that with the failure you get your roll in arrows, as you said would waste less rare ingreadiants


RE: Arrow crafting amount
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2006, 11:37:12 am »
crazedgoblin - 6/12/2006  1:14 PM  i think what arcanist means is only if you fail with a roll that with the failure you get your roll in arrows, as you said would waste less rare ingreadiants
 I don't think that's what he was saying, as he talked about success
  However, if that is the case then the answer is pretty much the same:  not likely.
  No crafts produce any finished products upon failure.  Some produce broken versions of something, some return just the containers, some produce a byproduct like dust while some produce nothing at all.
  Failure to craft is just that...a failure.  You messed up and lost the whole batch.  
  Also, this concept has the same problem I commented on before...actually a worse one:
  If an experienced crafter with a 75% chance of making a certain type of arrows would get at most 5 arrows (average of 3 arrows) from a failure, but an inexperienced crafter with a 5% chance of making the same arrows would get as many as 19 arrows (average of 10 arrows) from failure.  This is counterintuitive.
  Most of my other statements still hold true.

