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Author Topic: Gloves of fury  (Read 489 times)


Gloves of fury
« on: April 20, 2006, 06:19:56 am »
Gloves of fury is one of the hardest things to produce as a tailor, (I've been told by a level 21 that he had 65 % chance on it). It takes 2 dire bear skins which is relatively hard to come by (compared to other skins). And if you are succesfull and craft the gloves you have made a pair of gloves that only the finest tailors in the lands are able to make. These tailors have spend years and years of devotion to learning the craft (or a lot of time online at least).

when you sell them you can be lucky and get somewhere between 1000 and 2000 gold for it, if you can sell them at all. For two reasons: 1) the marked is flooded with gloves of fury do to a MASSIVE overproduction caused by people trying to make exceptionel gloves. 2) the gloves have the almost the same properties as the "gloves of lesser ogre power" that can be looted from mid level monsters (I think). To many players the only property they use from these gloves are the +1 str.

As far as I know this is the only trade in which the highest level items are practically worthless, and I find it hard to believe that the finest tailors in the world would accept to sell their work for so little. The only reason why they produce them is that they can get lucky and produce the exceptionel gloves that are so rare that you could buy a house from what you get.

In order to make the price reflect the difficulty of the task I suggest that the gloves of fury are lowered in difficulty and perhaps crafted from grizzly bear skin and 1 essence of strength. whereas the exeptionel gloves of fury are placed a bit higher in difficulty than the current gloves and take

2 dire bear skin
2 essences of strength
and a bit more... so that it is balanced...

D Blaze

Re: Gloves of fury
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2006, 08:02:41 am »
But if you split the gloves into 2 parts like the Archer's Belt and the Exceptional Archer's Belt, there will be a flood of the better gloves in a very short time cuz people will just hold out for the better item.

The top tailors that I recognize on the Tradeskill page are all capable of getting Dire Bears on thier own as they almost certainly know where they roam, not to mention all the people around lvl 20 and 21 Tailoring, they are most likely to get ahold of Dire Bears as well, then the biggest trouble is getting the Essenses of Strength which aren't hard to make at all since most of those same people are at least mediocre Alchemists too.

You said yourself there is a flood of regular gloves already out there (that's alot of dire bear pelts), so if you make Exceptional Gloves a sure thing at somewhere around the same percentage, people will bulk up on Essenses and keep to their current habits of when they gather up Dire Pelts, which will render the lesser gloves pretty useless.


Re: Gloves of fury
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2006, 08:51:51 am »
*nods* and that is why I suggested to make the difficulty a bit higher. And to add some things that are harder to get by or make, e.g. an enchanted diamond, ancient dire bear leather instead of dire bear leather, essences of strength 2-4 etc... Making the tailor dependend on other crafts/crafters and adventurers to get the resources necessary....


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    RE: Gloves of fury
    « Reply #3 on: April 20, 2006, 09:44:41 am »
    This seems to be a direct follow to the other Exceptionaæ item discussion, so I'll just say it here.

    I'm all for the idea of making seperate recipies like the Archer's Belt. Because there really isn't much point in making a 100 of something just to see if you could get lucky and make the exceptional one. It's a bit like mining JUST to try and find mystery mineral that turns out to be an emerald (or what ever the really hard to come by is called), and then just dump all the lumps of "whatever". The only difference is that the Gloves are known how to make - so why not just make a recipy and remove the luck factor.

    Now what the recipy should contain and how hard it should be I'll leave to others...

    This was in no way ment as those gems should not be found in that manner. Just there for the example - however lousy it might be  ;)


    RE: Gloves of fury
    « Reply #4 on: April 20, 2006, 01:04:11 pm »
    An exceptional item is just that, exceptional. People seem to forget that exceptional items were put in for flavor, for the occasional lucky crafter. They were never met to be an "Every adventurer must have" item, but people really seem to forget about that.

    First of all, I am against splitting up the recipies, as that would simply destroy the "exceptional" in the exceptional items.

    Secondly, it is once again a matter of common sense. If you are trying to be lucky and roll a 20 and as such craft one hundred items, good for you, but please dump the other 99 into the trash. It has been the same problem with other crafts, the goal was different (gain levels vs roll 20) but the result was the same - over production.

    I always liked the exceptional part in crafting, it added excitement and nice surprises, but seeing people craft hundreds of items, just to get that exceptional, is making me think that it would be better, if the exceptional items were removed.

    Now to read thattopic about exceptional items....

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: Gloves of fury
    « Reply #5 on: April 20, 2006, 08:29:39 pm »
    the archer's edge having two recipes is a bug.

    I posted it once as a bug, and it was deleted due to being exploitable... as a result, no one ever remembered to fix it.


    Re: Gloves of fury
    « Reply #6 on: April 20, 2006, 09:19:57 pm »
    It's not a bug

    The Belt of Exceptional Archers Edge is not the Exceptional version of the Belt of Archers Edge.

    Don't get stuck on the Exceptional word their.

    Meh, I'll change it to Enhanced.

    Pen N Popper

    Re: Gloves of fury
    « Reply #7 on: April 21, 2006, 03:58:19 am »
    Sounds to me like some high lore bards, magical wizards, and epic tailors need to get together for a CDQ to research new +2 STR glove.  Perhaps they could reverse engineer the ogre gauntlets.  There are lots of +2 items in the world, would an in-character discovery of a recipe of another item be so bad?  That way exceptional stays exceptional, gloves of fury aren't mass produced, and I get a pair of +2 gloves.  :-)


    Re: Gloves of fury
    « Reply #8 on: April 21, 2006, 04:33:49 am »
    Well... My main point in my first post was: Gloves of fury are one of the hardest things to craft for a tailor, and can only be crafted by high level tailors. I think the craft level is about the same as Malar bags. Yet this item that is so difficult to make is sold for ridiculesly low prices, and there is no way to get the price on the item higher. Not just because they are mass produced but also because they drop as often as they do in the form of "lesser ogre gloves". A simple way of getting the price and the difficulty alligned would of course be to lower the difficulty of the task.

    And I know exceptionel crafting is a flavor thing and the idea is VERY good on paper, but when introduced in an online game the result will always be that people keep producing them until they get the exceptionel items they want. And believe me most of these gloeves are thrown away when they are produced nobody have the storage for the vast number of gloves produced. One of the problems with this particular item is that it is the only usefull glove for most characters, the number of different gloves is limited and most of them are useless to the vast majority of players. And the result is that everybody goes for the strength gloves and the exceptionel strength gloves in particular. I myself would be willing to give 50+ k for such an item since I have nothing to spend my gold on except getting better equipment, and better equipment means better survivabilety.

    As a side effect the number of dire bears living on the Layonara should be very low since so many of them are slaugthered in order to make gloves of fury, as far as i can tell dire bears most be reproducing faster than rabbits in order to meet the supply...


    Re: Gloves of fury
    « Reply #9 on: April 21, 2006, 04:41:36 am »
    Just do something like they did with the mahogany but alittle different. Move the dire bears then have them protected by dark druids and rangers. And maybe make them harder to kill so that it looks like all the weak, old, and young ones have been killed off for gloves and all that is left are the strong healthy ones.


    Re: Gloves of fury
    « Reply #10 on: April 21, 2006, 05:09:21 pm »
    Actually gloves of fury are easier to make than malar bags and both malar groups I know if do qualify as reasonably well guarded.  Not to mention their own abilities.  I think a better way to prevent the flooding of the market is to require a certain cash payment to take the items off the crafting table.  For instance, when you complete the gloves of fury you are given the option of paying say 200 gold to take them home with you, or you could allow the crafting hall to keep the gloves and get something like half of what the pawnshop in port hampshire would pay.  This would drain cash from the economy, which I think is still needed.  Allow crafters to pursue their crafts for training.  and give a disinsentive to keep the items crafted for training without an identified market.  This really would only be required for items which are multiple use like gloves, swords, armors, bags.  Items which are single use like potions or arrows shouldn't require this payment.



    Re: Gloves of fury
    « Reply #11 on: April 23, 2006, 05:54:33 pm »
    A note on the flavour of exceptional items - bear in mind that adventurers, by their very nature, are MEANT to be exceptional.  They carry more gold than your average commoner sees in their entire life.  They bend magical forces, consummate skill, or uncanny lore to their will.  They face creatures, monsters, and forces that would kill the average commoner dead.  Naturally, they're going to look for masterwork items to equip themselves.  In a world populated by adventurers, every craftsman will seek to be a Stradavari, striving to make the items that will be in greatest demand by the buying populace.