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Author Topic: Why I absolutely hate CNR  (Read 1531 times)

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RE: Why I absolutely hate CNR
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2005, 11:49:00 am »
Four things of cotton was a lot for a 2nd level druid to aquire from a mess full of orcs. To lose two of them, I crossed my fingers in the hopes that the next two, would not be lost as well, but woolah, a bolt of cloth.
I really do not think, I am willing to risk a bolt of cloth for a cloth pattern, at least not yet. Even at 4th level, I am still a weak character to pair up with more seasoned characters.
If I had of known I needed spiders web for thread, I would not have collected all poison from the spider corpses.
Still, spiders web to make thread?????