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Author Topic: Items with RP properties...  (Read 290 times)


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Items with RP properties...
« on: July 07, 2005, 08:52:00 pm »
Alright, so we have all the items that the NWN can do, but unfortunately, when you make a game, the focus tends to be on stats for purposes of furthering one's damage, spells, etc.  So instead of that, perhaps we could make items that gave bonuses to things, but only did so in the text of the item?

In other words, how about this:

"Terim's Ring of Cat-climbing"

This simple looking ring was once posessed by rogue notorious for stealing prized posessions and then managing to escape almost every time.  Often times town officials would chase Terim, the rogue, off into the wilderness, only to find that suddenly he had dissappeared.  Fact of the matter is, Terim was simply intelligent enough to have a mage imbue a ring with an ability to climb better, and thus he usually just climbed a tree just around a corner to make it look as if he had dissappeared.  In reality, Terim was hiding in the tree getting a good laugh at the officials below.

Bonus to rolls made regarding climbing +5


This could be the description in the box, and the ring itself would have no abilities to speak of, but if perhaps some time characters were at a point where they had to climb a mountain or some such thing, this ring could be used and the roll would be +5 to whatever roll was made.  This would have to be done via a message to the GM channel (I am using my Terim's Ring of Cat-climbing"  and if the GM wanted, he could verify that the character indeed had the ring.

I'm sure there are all kinds of other fun little trinkets and such that could be made and used with this system, as it seems like a lot of the time rings giving + to the 6 main stats because there's no better reason not to.  And for that matter, there are no RP reasons to wear something different.

.If you want more item ideas let me know, I have a couple of them off the top of my head, such as a helmet that when worn allowed a person to understand the elven language, not speak it, but hear it (Could act as an ear of elven, just wearable and the description clearly states the user is NOT to speak any elvish.)

Just thoughts, lemme know what you think.

