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Author Topic: Perishable CNR Respawn Time Increase  (Read 331 times)

D Blaze

Perishable CNR Respawn Time Increase
« on: September 26, 2006, 07:09:03 am »
As the world is getting colder and more harsh, crops are getting harder to grow, perhaps it is time that the food so easily picked up right off the ground become slightly more valuable? I don't know exactly how much more time should be added to the CNR before it respawns, that is up to others, but it makes sense.

Grains (This was the main one I was thinking of when I came to this idea, to make breads and such more scarce)
Plants (cotton in particular, aloe, sugarcane, ginseng, etc.)
And Trees too would have their growth stunted by the drastic change in weather over such a short time. (and would be harder to find trees of a quality worth harvesting)

I do not suggest this to exactly hurt crafters (particularly beginning crafters), but it is how the world would naturally tend to become given past events, the little things would become much more precious and sought after.

The idea might be simply changing a few simple bits of code, or it might be impossible without effecting every bit of CNR, I do not know, it is only a suggestion.


RE: Perishable CNR Respawn Time Increase
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2006, 10:17:44 am »
Also raising the prices of rations both dried and prepared would be appropriate.. supply and demand and all.


RE: Perishable CNR Respawn Time Increase
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2006, 12:03:00 pm »
Worse, actually, every placed instance of CNR plant has a respawn timer configured into it as a local variable. Changing the respawn time means updating every single placed instance....or putting in a bunch of special-case code to handle those things specifically.


Re: Perishable CNR Respawn Time Increase
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2006, 01:35:54 pm »
It's nice in a realistic sense, but it would just increase hoarding and provide a massive economic boost to the supposed struggling new adventurers. There are all ready surfacing problems with overpaying for certain CNR items to be gathered, espically when they are necessary or you have a rich and impatient crafter. So we get more gold among the lower levels than is necessary (it's all ready very easy to get about 10k before level 8.), and more people with excessive inventories due to the lack of available CNR to create a finished product.
  It's a nice idea, but I just see it as causing more problems than necessary. CNR is placed based off of areas (Aloe in one spot on West, etc...), just RP that the local plants and what not are just barely surviving in their most suitable habitats.


Re: Perishable CNR Respawn Time Increase
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2006, 06:21:17 pm »
Ok about more iced lemonaid? Heh? more ice? heh? awww come on...that was funny. *looks around* no? ok then, I will go back to the drawing board.


