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Author Topic: More high end craftable items..  (Read 482 times)


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More high end craftable items..
« on: April 05, 2006, 05:59:49 am »
I was thinking that now when more and more characters will become epic.. and the skilled craftesmen already can make alot of the current high ends items trivial. It would be great if new high ends craftable items could be implemented.

Its the erge of getting better.. get better things.. and improve in your crafting skills that makes the game and the CNR system so fun. Take the master craftsmen like Rufus, Enzo, Goldwin or Ahndar like an example.. I can imagine that its not still as fun anymore  as it was in the beginning for them since they have reach such a high lvl in their fields and there are practically nothing out there that they haven't or can't make any longer.

Therefor i would like to see some new things that can be crafted. I will come with one sugestion here so you just can see what I'm thinking here.. And I bet others will have tons of sugestions of new things that could me made

Adamantium compound bow parts: three addy ingots for one bow part. deals +1d8 on criticals instead of +1d6

Mithrill reinforced compound parts:

One ingot of Mithrill and three ingots of adamantium. thats for making one part and you need two for making a bow compound

Stats on an mithrill reinforced compound bow:

Either + 1d4 on every hit, or if thats seems to good + 2d6 on an critical instead of the current 1d6.

Remember that Mithrill is till verry hard to get and this is going be hard to make aswell.. was thinking same difficoulty like making Mighty + 3

Anyway this is just an sugestion and would like to hear what others think about this




RE: More high end craftable items..
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2006, 04:43:28 am »
The worry would be that it just means that the most powerful characters get even more powerful. Since they'd be the only ones who could make these things and the only ones who could use these things.

Perhaps we could be creative and come up with higher level crafting items that are not just more and more über, but that are more diverse and fun. Items with different capabilities which will pose the difficult choices...I can use either the bow that is +1d6 on critical or the one with the windshield that gives me a +1  AC against piercing or the one that has a gnomish night vision scope attached - but the combination doesnt exist. Lots of inventive combinations of different kinds of capabilities/advantages/disadvantages. The leather armor selection is currently a good example in this direction.

Make things that are harder and harder to craft, but not higher and higher levels to use, so the accomplished crafters can make them and sell them to the others too. If new items are all super powered, the only people who can use them will be the epics either and by definition its pointless to make very many and the fun is not shared. I think a whole lot of different new items could be invented without them being straight line extrapolations of more and more powerful, and this would still keep crafting just as interesting.

There would pretty much have to be other resources added to the world for this to be much fun as well - isn't part of the interest having to figure out how to get your hands on different stuff when you move on to another project? New combinations of the same old elements gets old too.

I tried to suggest something like this for the instruments, I think it could apply to everything.


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Re: More high end craftable items..
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2006, 08:46:24 am »

Well spoken Stranzini

 I'm also for making new and more lower ends craftable items.

However, If we don't wan't to start losing the high end crafting masters we must make up knew harder things for them to make so they doesn't loose intrest. As it is now there is plenty of challenges for the lower ends craftsmen.. but almost none for the higher ends. I see layonara like an game that can keep on going for ever and ever.. but that aquires that you can always get better, get better things and developing your character. I mean thats why the GM team now has upgraded the servers.. East and now planes so that there will be new challenges for the epics characters. But how about the (epic) craftsmen.. Are they supposed to stand and have acomplished everything and have no challenges left? sure its fun for them to craft a different bow.. but if its not better and not harder to make then the ones we have now, the lack of challange will still not be there

  "The worry would be that it just means that the most powerful characters get even more powerful. Since they'd be the only ones who could make these things and the only ones  who could use these things. "

As it is now a lot of high ends items can be found in drops that only high lvl char or epics can use.. so the items is already in game.. its just that it would me more fun if some of the items, or different/new could be craftable..

I'm also for new resourcers/CNR that you need for the new items. If the server decides that never uppgrade the crafting system or the items that will just end in that one day we have a bunch of characters that have everything they wan't/need.. they can't get any better things or new things.. or get any better in their crafting field.. So whats left for them is piling upp their gold stack I guess. Now how fun is that?

The suggesting I made on the compound bow parts its not any trumendous boost for an epic archer that is fighting on West. But it would add more fun to the game..

One example: a lvl 19 character/archer, that is a wood crafter and now have an Yew compound bow whith mighty three can't get any better bow then that.. So he is stucked with the same bow untill he reach lvl 40. Imagine being lvl 1 character and be stucked with a copper sword with no enchantment untill you reach lvl 20 (epic status). Does it sounds like fun?

I don't wan't to sound like I'm angry here or saying that I think thats the system is unfair like it is now.. I just hoping that this would be the natural progress for the servers/world of Layonara to develop..

But if this is not going to happen, then maybe someone that takes such decisions just say so.. So i don't get my hopes up ;)



RE: More high end craftable items..
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2006, 03:30:03 am »
I might not have been clear - I wanted to say that we should add items that are harder to make, so the advanced crafters have something new to do and crafting stays fun, but not a higher level to use, so that more diverse items are around to increase the fascination for everybody and give the crafters a reasonable market for these new items.

I'm not sure why difficulty to craft has to be correlated to level requirement to use.

Hmmm. In fact...lots of real life examples will support the idea that the most difficult things to build are the ones that anyone can use...


Re: More high end craftable items..
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2006, 04:23:55 pm »
Like a telephone. Ever tried to make one? @.@ It boggles the mind just how difficult that is.

Or a butane lighter, as opposed to a woodmatch - both serve the same purpose, but one's harder to make.

Let's hear it for some more weapons that reflect some slightly unique qualities... The only "unique-ish" weapons I've seen were either DM-granted or creature drops.


Re: More high end craftable items..
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2006, 05:52:08 am »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 4/16/2006  4:23 PM

The only "unique-ish" weapons I've seen were either DM-granted or creature drops.

That is the reason why the remain unique.

I don't like the idea of making craftable items for epics as was proposed in the first post. Epics are rare and unique and items that they have should be rare, unique and uncraftable. Each gotten through a certain series of events or on a dangereous trip.

Let's bring Excalibur for example, it would qualify as an epic weapon. Would it remain as special and epic if it was craftable?

As for making low-end items that are harder to craft. I like the idea of variety, but it may be difficult to accomplish, as people will still use the ability rings, Ronus' boots etc. The idea to make low-end items very hard to craft sounds iffy to me. It might be logical in terms of RL, but it makes no sense in Layonara. Imagine a smith working with copper/bronze/iron and making a wide variety of items to go through levels. Then he is able to craft cobalt and mithril without ever actually seeing it.

The truth is, it is very hard to add something to the crafting due to the fact that all materials are endless and always easily obtainable.


Re: More high end craftable items..
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2006, 02:15:27 pm »
Actually, Excalibur was only a +5 sword. Our world is the lowest-magic campaign of all, y'know.


Re: More high end craftable items..
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2006, 07:53:37 pm »
Or what about adding Keen or Wounding properties to items?  (Or do those already exist with the higher-level weapons?)

Another option would be to allow for "innovation".  10 "practice" items of the type you're trying for have to be created as "blanks".  Then you have to have a wide assortment of powders, essences, spells, and the like, and then fool around with an "Experiment Table" or somesuch.  Then, draw from a random table of 100 such weapons, all with some unusual property, maybe 70% of them useful, 40% of them powerful, and 5% of them some new, epic item.  By changing this table periodically, GMs can allow for interesting items to be crafted (at a tremendous investment of time and expense), while still not making "recipes" for their crafting, so they do not become mundane.