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Author Topic: Taking CNR out of old locations  (Read 297 times)


Taking CNR out of old locations
« on: March 25, 2007, 06:57:21 pm »
One of the biggest complaints I have seen on IRC and on the forums is that the old locations for CNR gathering are too hard now for characters that are of the ideal level range to use it. This is true.

It's also true that it's not intended for them, and that there are other spots more appropriate to their level range.

This has been stated several times, but I still see complaints about Haven being a death trap for a poor crafter trying to get iron, or the Red Lights for a newbie to get his precious copper.

Whether or not these spawns need to be adjusted (I'm sure they will be looked at either way), I'm wondering if its better to just rip all of their CNR out completely, to get across the point of looking elsewhere. Miners should IC know to look elsewhere, but many players just think "this is where I always get it," see that there is still some present, and completely shut out other places.

This is not about whether spawns are too hard (whether in an old CNR place or the new appropriate ones), simply suggesting that perhaps if few people can get past that they've always gotten something in a certain place, it be taken out completely. As of now there is no doubt an overabundance of a few resources that are now considered a death trap to gather, because they are present in a) a new place b) the old place, and perhaps c) a smattering in some other place.

It's not that I want to get rid of it, it just seems like its presence is seriously confusing some people. Maybe scale them back and make them more quest dungeons instead of CNR dungeons to make it understood.


Re: Taking CNR out of old locations
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2007, 08:50:33 pm »
I know of a good old cave that is easy for most 3rd level characters to get copper.  I think this cave was designed for a well balanced party of level 2 characters.  *grins*  I don't want to give out the location of a CNR, but anyone that has been on Layo for a while should know this place.  I recommend taking out some of the gem stones there, and replacing them with green stones.

I think there should be a place to get limited quantities of Iron with an easier challenge rating.  There are other places to get iron, but they are not easily accessible either.  Who wants to march a well balanced party off to some crazy place to mine one or two veins of iron ore?  My recommendation is to take some other heavy metals *grins* out of certain caves, and replace it with iron.  Making the red light caves a place to mine iron seem like a good idea to me.

Iron, green stone, and topaz are the only CNRs I can see as being altered by V3.  Topaz...  I don't know, but I have been assuming that was a game balance decision to limit the number of stone skins in play.



Re: Taking CNR out of old locations
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2007, 06:00:31 pm »
I know exactly where you are talking about, but as I stated on another forum, the greenstone needs to be moved to a place like that as well, rather than just having malachite there.


Re: Taking CNR out of old locations
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2007, 06:28:15 pm »
I have seen greenstone and copper together in a single cave much closer to the starting location than the one you are talking about.  The cave I'm talking about has its own challenges, but I was able to make it through it alone with a 7th level fighter and a couple stacks of bandages.

The other cave you are talking about is far enough from where characters start that I think it might serve better as an adventuring location for the 5-7 level crowd.  (i.e. I would like to see the spawns made a bit more challenging there.  something more like the old redlights cavern level of difficulty)  I say this because any players new to layo are unlikely to find that cave until they are too high level to really learn anything there.


Re: Taking CNR out of old locations
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2007, 06:45:49 pm »
A lot of the low-level CNR locations were refactored in the last update and adjusted geographically to be more level-appropriate given their distance from the starting locations.

