NWN Discussions and Suggestions > CNR Suggestions/Discussion

Random crafting tool break script

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I think that for a dedicated crafter, it's a small investment of time to catalog the required components. The alternative would be convoluting a script that already works fine for how crafting is intended.

I can understand your frustration though, but I think you're just another  victim of the cruelty of the d20 system. We've all been there, where a string of bad luck on rolls, can really put a damper on one's mood. But that string of consecutive failures is not representative of the overall probabilities.

Guardian 452:
We do have most tradeskills on those recipe cards but not all. I really like using those... especially when I am out and about and someone asks me about making this or that.

Maybe the remaining trades could be put onto cards... though I'm sure that isnt a small task either.


--- Quote from: Frendh --- There is really no good way to explain that. Unreasonable.
--- End quote ---

I was being unclear. I meant there is really no good way of explaining it ICly in game.


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