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Author Topic: Recipes  (Read 239 times)


« on: March 15, 2006, 07:27:56 am »
I've pulled the recipes from the previous "Recipes" post, plus the Alchemy cookbook, and added in a few that I knew of that were missing.  As a result, I have a spreadsheet that lists the recipes by craft type, craft station, and with a list of the ingredients.  Since it's in a spreadsheet, it's sortable, which means you can look things up by any column -- find a Belladonna Leaf and want to know if it is useful?  Sort by "Material" and see which recipes use Belladonna Leaf.  All of the information in the spreadsheet comes from the tables in the game -- no spoilers are present (no CNR locations, Fishing is excluded [no list of what bait for what fish], etc.).  It is purely meant as a reference guide; please remember to roleplay your character's use of this information.  The guide is also incomplete.  Some crafts/stations have only a subset of the recipes; some are missing entirely.  Given that I've done this manually, with a lot of copy-and-paste at times, there are also likely mistakes.  Please let me know about missing or incorrect information, and I'll update the sheet accordingly.  Notes: [INDENT][TABLE=head;sort=1a,2,3]*|Book of Patterns is always returned to the crafter on success or failure|
 **|Filled Water Bucket is always returned as Empty Water Bucket to the crafter on success or failure|
 ***|Gem dusts are created by smashing mineral OR flawed stones, and are also created as a by-product of attmepting to make a cut gemstone|
 ****|Sawdust is always created as a by-product when Wood Crafting with a branch of wood|
[/TABLE][/INDENT]  Download here (0.4 MB Excel Spreadsheet)


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    RE: Recipes
    « Reply #1 on: March 15, 2006, 10:27:23 am »

    This is truly amazing, thank you for all your effort, I will refer to this often when I get CNR on drops and have to decide to keep it or pawn it off!!



    Re: Recipes
    « Reply #2 on: March 15, 2006, 12:37:33 pm »
    Holy crap, I might just start using Excel.


    Re: Recipes
    « Reply #3 on: March 15, 2006, 01:05:17 pm »
    I might just start using Excel.

    Talk about unintended consequences... didn't mean to convert one to the dark side... *BUWAHAHAHAHAH*


    Re: Recipes
    « Reply #4 on: March 15, 2006, 01:39:12 pm »
    Stephen, you have been asked before...  Do not cuss on the forums.


    Re: Recipes
    « Reply #5 on: March 15, 2006, 08:44:14 pm »
    Oh, sorry, L. It's really just an issue with never having considered that even mildly offensive; I'll keep it in mind a bit more firmly from now on.

    In any case, I'm using OpenOffice, which (I think) functions the same as Excel. It's a spreadsheet program based off of it, so... Anyway, I was wondering how I would sort the things by ingredient or whathaveyou without having the columns split up. (Ordering each column individually alphabetically, as opposed to arranging the one column, and having the rows match up as they originally did.)

    Hope I made sense.


    Re: Recipes
    « Reply #6 on: March 16, 2006, 03:51:53 am »
    I don't know about Open Office, but in Excel you can sort any number of columns by up to three columns at once.  Select (highlight) the group of columns you want to sort (in this case, all columns), and then select the "Sort" function, and tell it which column(s) to sort by.  The file as posted is sorted by Craft, then Bench, and then Product.  When selecting an entire group of columns, the rows will not be "broken up" when sorting.

    I find it useful to sort on 1) CNR and then 2) Material -- this will split up the inputs into harvestable vs. manufactured, and be sorted alphabetically within each group.  Of course, that assumes that I've got those designations right in the first place :) (I know I have a few "?" entries where I'm not sure)


    Re: Recipes
    « Reply #7 on: March 20, 2006, 07:18:20 am »
    Updated to version 0.2:
      Added armor patterns at Tailor's Table (still need counts for the amount of cloth used for each)
      Added first Curing Tub recipe (deer hide) - this is Tailoring, right?
      Added Farmer's Press recipes for a few juices
      Modified Essense of Cure Healing recipe to use Sapphire Dust, nor Diamond Dust
      Created a second sheet with the same information, but sorted by CNR vs. Manufactured and then by material name


    Re: Recipes
    « Reply #8 on: March 20, 2006, 07:23:15 am »
    Faldred - 3/20/2006  9:18 AM  

      • Modified Essense of Cure recipe to use Sapphire Dust, nor Diamond Dust
     Essence of Cure uses Greenstone dust


    Re: Recipes
    « Reply #9 on: March 20, 2006, 07:30:03 am »
    Dorganath - 3/20/2006  10:23 AM  
    Faldred - 3/20/2006  9:18 AM  

      • Modified Essense of Cure recipe to use Sapphire Dust, nor Diamond Dust
     Essence of Cure uses Greenstone dust
     Whooops... meant to say Essense of Healing -- the spreadsheet is right, my write-up is wrong.  Of course, the spreadsheet could still be wrong (I got the "correction" off of the sticky thread for the Alchemy book, haven't check it out myself).


    RE: Recipes
    « Reply #10 on: April 03, 2006, 04:57:27 am »
    Version 0.3 posted.
      Added more Tailoring recipes (cloth pattern, various hides/leathers, Badger Gloves)
      Updated amount of cloth to use for some armor patterns (Chain Shirt, Full-Plate)
      Finished adding Farmer's Press recipes
      Added footnote markers for the four special cases noted in the main posting