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Author Topic: Minerals and Camping  (Read 572 times)


RE: Minerals and Camping
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2006, 09:00:43 am »
Tool breakage is going to stay as-is, at least for the time being.
  What's in question here is getting at least one mineral/clay lump/sand bag from a deposit before the deposit itself breaks (i.e. "That's the end of that"). This code is done, tested and should be included with the next update.


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    Re: Minerals and Camping
    « Reply #21 on: February 12, 2006, 09:08:59 am »
    I'm kind of at a lack of understanding, but I've also been annoyed by the same occurences of breaking a tool as I open a crafting device.  Why do tools break as you pull them out of your pocket?


    Re: Minerals and Camping
    « Reply #22 on: February 12, 2006, 09:30:26 am »
    Stranzini - 2/12/2006 6:13 PM .....looking at the recipe to see what else I am going to need, before rummaging in my packs further or having to go off and get something if I don't have all I need...
     It is much easier to purchase the recipe cards from the merchants and then you can quickly see what else you need without being even at the craft house.


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      Re: Minerals and Camping
      « Reply #23 on: February 12, 2006, 09:39:59 am »
      And you can't always get the recipe cards, instruments for one does not have one available.  As far as I have adventured that is.  I believe farmer's press is another.


      Re: Minerals and Camping
      « Reply #24 on: February 12, 2006, 10:17:32 am »
      Does this mean that an emerald deposit will always yield at least one emerald mineral?


      Re: Minerals and Camping
      « Reply #25 on: February 12, 2006, 10:33:28 am »


      Re: Minerals and Camping
      « Reply #26 on: February 12, 2006, 10:51:19 am »
      Ahh nice... ehm... could you add an emerald deposit to the goblincaves? :D


      RE: Minerals and Camping
      « Reply #27 on: February 12, 2006, 10:59:40 am »
        Silly, silly. :)


      Re: Minerals and Camping
      « Reply #28 on: February 12, 2006, 11:34:18 am »
      Mes wants to haves big emeralds deposits in hlint 110, please dada *sticks his thumb in his mouth*

      Chrys Ellis

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        Re: Minerals and Camping
        « Reply #29 on: February 12, 2006, 12:37:02 pm »
        There are many recipe cards missing.  It's been a while since any have been added to reflect changes in the CNR system (i.e. most advanced crafting isn't on cards), but the team has a lot on it's plate, so we can only hope that someday this issue is adressed.


        Re: Minerals and Camping
        « Reply #30 on: February 12, 2006, 01:19:51 pm »
        Tool breakage is not really that bad.  I've seen much worse and paid for it as well.  I used to be terrified to check on the greater jewelry bench when they used to cost an arm and a leg.  I think the breakage is fine myself.

        Oh and you can put an emerald deposit on the island in Lake Rondora.   ;)


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          Re: Minerals and Camping
          « Reply #31 on: February 13, 2006, 12:02:33 am »
          I was just clearing up some information on the cards because it seems you can't buy cards for all the crafts out there.

          As far as the breaking of tools, it's pretty rare.  But I'd like someone to tell us if this is an error or not (breaking when you open a CNR device).  It's just an inconvenience yes but it would also be an inconvenience if 1% of your fights started off with you dying before you had a chance of attacking a monster.  If it's an error I'm pretty sure it will get fixed in time.  If it's not an error and on purpose I'd be interested to know why it was put in place.


          Re: Minerals and Camping
          « Reply #32 on: February 13, 2006, 05:34:24 am »
          Tools have a chance of breaking each time they're needed. They're checked before crafting actually starts because, well, the effect would be the same as if they broke during the crafting attempt. It would be unlikely that one would successfully craft something and have the tool break just after the last step was completed. What's more likely and more realistic is that the tools break before the attempt (i.e. dropping the tool) or during (over-stressing the tool). On the "during" aspect, we could probably do that, but then also in the process you'd probably lose the CNR needed for the recipe, as a broken tool would most certainly indicate a failed attempt. Another way to think of it....let's say you go to make some leather armor, you take out your tailoring needle to find out that it has been blunted and bent. Well, you'd toss that one away and get a new one.
            Breakage is set at a specific percentage and is basically the same for all tools inall crafts that use them. Equating tool breakage to combat is a bit of a stretch, I think. It's an inconvenience, yes, but the simple fact is that tools wear out, and not all tools are created equal.
            So it's not a bug. It is as it is because of game mechanics and other reasons.

          Chrys Ellis

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            Re: Minerals and Camping
            « Reply #33 on: February 13, 2006, 06:43:44 am »
            I don't know if this would be possible, based on the current system in use, but what about various grades of tools?  The ones bought from the merchant would be your basic, cheap quality tools that one would expect to break in short time.  But others could be crafted with different materials, and perhaps even enchanted or given a tough coating made by an alchemist to harden it, etc.  Certainly, many CNR crafts could be involved in the making of certain tools.

            Determining breakage would then take place much the way Exceptional items are determined now.  If the roll for tool breakage was made, a second roll would then be made, based on the tool in question.  Anything bought from the merchant would be set to 100% (keeping in mind this is the SECOND roll).  Then, something like an iron shovel might have a roll of 80% to determine breakage.  However, if someone was using an adamantium shovel enchanted with stoneskin, for example, the roll mght be something like 10%.  

            This would certainly involve a lot of new recipes in CNR, but I'm sure some of us would be willing to work together on creating them if this idea is given the green light.  One might think that most people wouldn't bother buying something like a gold tailoring needle, since if it breaks when using it there is always a merchant nearby to sell another, but it could denote status for some characters, or simply add to RP value by being given as gifts, etc.   Clearly, though, the discerning customer would see the value in a shovel or pick that had much less chance of breaking when you're many miles from a merchant.


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              Re: Minerals and Camping
              « Reply #34 on: February 13, 2006, 09:48:36 am »
              Thanks for clearing that up.

