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Author Topic: Loot items and craft items  (Read 194 times)


Loot items and craft items
« on: February 24, 2006, 02:16:00 am »
As the DM team has adressed on several occations the layonara economy is very sensitive to huge ammounts of items "floating around". This has been clearly demonstarted with respect to iron weapons sales were the price has been dumped on several occations. Due to crafters being unable to sell what they craft. As I see it one of the problems with selling iron weapons is that iron weapon can be loored of monsters so frequently, my guess is that the whole playerbase could be supllied with iron weapons from these loots render the crafted iron weapons superflous. And to my exsperience many of the looted items are sold a bit lower than the crafters sell their items.

As I see it wepon and armor crafting is more affected by this than most other crafts. As an example we can compare weapon making with enchantment making, through the players life he only need few weapons copper (he will buy this from the town merchants) iron, adamantium, mithril. so you can sell 3 weapons to a player. and if a lot of iron weapons drop as lootable items you have only two weapons left to sell. In contrats to this each player can buy up to 3 elemental enchantments for each weapon (II, III and IV), which give the crafter the possibilety of selling up to 9 elemental enchantments per player, and I have never tried to find and elemental enchantment by looting a corpse.

In order to adress these issues I suggest that the number of dropping iron weapons is reduced.