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Author Topic: Orc's Watch NPCs attacking eachother  (Read 586 times)


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    Orc's Watch NPCs attacking eachother
    « on: February 22, 2007, 08:27:00 am »
    Just started playing this and am at the murder mystery part, but all the town guards have suddenly started attacking and killing the commoners!  Also, the character that appeared near the beginning and gave me some equipment (can't remember his name, sorry) is now in a permanent fight with two of the guards (he is near death but never dies) so I cannot talk to him again.  Is he essential to the murder quest?  I kind of think he is important because he doesn't die like the nameless commoners did....



    Re: Orc's Watch NPCs attacking eachother
    « Reply #1 on: February 22, 2007, 09:21:57 am »
    Sounds like the factions went crazy...
    Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT

    Lalaith Va'lash

    Re: Orc's Watch NPCs attacking eachother
    « Reply #2 on: February 22, 2007, 03:24:01 pm »
    Yes, it does sound like a factions issue. Did you accidently attack sombody that you weren't supposed to?
      I'm pretty sure if the factions are screwy it will hinder if not completely really mess up the gameplay.

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: Orc's Watch NPCs attacking eachother
    « Reply #3 on: February 23, 2007, 02:50:22 am »
    jael_53 - 2/22/2007  9:27 AM

    Just started playing this and am at the murder mystery part, but all the town guards have suddenly started attacking and killing the commoners!  Also, the character that appeared near the beginning and gave me some equipment (can't remember his name, sorry) is now in a permanent fight with two of the guards (he is near death but never dies) so I cannot talk to him again.  Is he essential to the murder quest?  I kind of think he is important because he doesn't die like the nameless commoners did....


    The guard is not essential to the murder quest no.

    Arder (the NPC who gave you gear in the beginning) has his own conversations later on, but they're sideplots and not mandatory to beat the game.

    My guess on why this happened is that you attacked some NPC (or clipped them with an AoE like a fireball) which made everyone else mad at you which led to infighting between commoners/defenders or commoners/merchants.

    If you remember who you attacked or accidentally hit with a spell it would be useful information for improving this later if it did indeed happen due to an accident.


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      Re: Orc's Watch NPCs attacking eachother
      « Reply #4 on: February 23, 2007, 08:49:25 am »
      I'm playing with a partner (me as a rogue and he as a monk) and I don't think we have accidentally hit anyone we shouldn't have. No spells have been flung. The only combat has been in the cellar of the inn, and I don't think either of us hit the guy down there.  But will start again, as we have not progressed too far, and see if the problem replicates itself.

      Lalaith Va'lash

      Re: Orc's Watch NPCs attacking eachother
      « Reply #5 on: February 23, 2007, 08:00:35 pm »
      Thats interesting and very odd.  Thank you for trying it out again.

      Amar Hanoscia

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        Re: Orc's Watch NPCs attacking eachother
        « Reply #6 on: March 06, 2007, 10:16:19 am »
        I also encountered this problem. Orc's Watch guards murder citizens and and Willow's Weep alchemist murdered her daughter (!!). I was also playing in a multiplayer team of two.

        I even looked into the mod file factions (I hope you don't mind :) ) but everything looks OK.

        I noticed that the problem ocasionally DOES NOT occur when we enter Orc's Watch for the first time (we had a saved game before entering), but even then revisiting the main town area starts the massacre.

        Perhaps the problem is in the fact that we use Polish version of the game...?

        Talan Va'lash

        Re: Orc's Watch NPCs attacking eachother
        « Reply #7 on: March 07, 2007, 12:12:06 pm »
        Amar Hanoscia - 3/6/2007  11:16 AM

        Perhaps the problem is in the fact that we use Polish version of the game...?

        I guess that could be possible... I don't know how, but I don't know enough about how bioware implemented the different locales (languages.)

        I do know that at one point bioware had a bug in the Mac version of NWN where skill checks would give the opposite result heh, so, if you failed they'd say you suceeded and if you suceeded they'd say you failed. At the same time the windows/linux versions worked properly (I'd hosted a multiplayer game with scripted skillchecks on a Mac during the broken version and spent AGES trying to figure out why my skill checks weren't working! hehe)


        What I think is more likely is that your bug is due to going through with two PCs, though that's pretty much a wild guess.

        There are a couple things that would help me to find and possibly fix this bug (either in a patch or finding a way you can do things in the game to get around it happening.)

        1. Is there any particular event that you notice the bug occuring after? ex. It always happens after a certain conversation, or after you leave a certain area?

        2. Are both players in the same party?

        3. Is the Orc's Watch Pawn Shop guy attacking commoners too, or are the guards attacking him?

        4. If you have a savegame where this bug is occuring if you could attach it to this thread (size limit 100kb) or if it is larger email it to me at . From the savegame I'll be able to see the exact state of the module that you are seeing.


        I even looked into the mod file factions (I hope you don't mind  )

        Oh, not at all. Poke about to your heart's content.


        On rereading the posts in this thread I'm not entirely clear whether the user Amar Hanoscia is reporting the same case as jael_53? Same person different accounts or two different instances of the bug?

        If each person that's having this bug stops back by please note the following things for me so we can see if the bug occurs on specific situations.

        1. How many Players are you running the module with?
        2. What version of NWN are you running and what language?
        3. What OS are you using? (Windows XP/98/Vista, OS X, Linux)